The Bear and the Rabbit

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A rabbit and a bear are walking in the woods one day, when the bear happens upon a magic lamp.

This bear is not very nice to the rabbit so he then picks up the rabbit and rubs the lamp. A genie pops out and says: "You have freed me, so you each get three wishes."

The bear says: "I wish all of the bears in this region were female bears, except for me."

The rabbit says: "I wish I had a motorcycle."

The bear then says: "Ooh, I've got a good one. I wish all of the bears in the whole country were female bears, except for me."

The rabbit says: "I wish I had a motorcycle helmet."

The bear's last wish is: "Ooh, ooh, here's the best one of all! Here goes. I wish that all of the bears in the whole world were female bears, except for me.

Then the rabbit says: "I wish the bear right next to me was a female."

The rabbit then hops on his motorcycle and drives away as fast as he can.

Animals mania!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon