1 | madness

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jin rubbed his nape as he walked down the stairs to get his breakfast before heading to work. before he could sit down, his father walked into his apartment from his night shift at work.

"hey father, sorry but we can't hang out today, i have a class today." jin told his father as he ate some cereal from his bowl.

"okay, that's fine. i just came to see you after work. also it was fine, very tiring though. we got a new member today. he's a unique one i tell you." jin's father said putting his coat down

"really? what's his name? is he cute?" jin joked.

"hey! that's not funny! the psychopaths i meet everyday are not to be taken lightly."

jin frowned, "sorry father. i guess i'm just curious."

"it's okay, now, go to class you're about to be late. i'm going to take a nap here."

"okay, see you later." jin said and hugged his father before leaving.

jin grabbed his bag and walked out. he smiled as he walked to his college. he waited for the cross lights to signal go. he then heard a bunch of gasp. he looked at the people around him and looked up at the billboard.

there was breaking news of a escaped patient from a mental hospital. not only that but also the mental hospital his father worked at.

he felt concerned but before he could think he heard a honk. the person in the car signalling him to cross.

jin quickly ran to the other side of the street and breathed in relief. he continued on his path and got on the bus.
"sir! dr.kim! over here!" one of the staffs signaled the doctor.

dr.kim rushed to the room of the escaped patient.

"how could have this happened? you're supposed to be watching him" the doctor yelled in frustration at the staff.

"sir, i swear i was! i don't know how he got pass us." one of the staff groaned

"save it! we have to warn the city! there's a psychopath on the run." dr.kim yelled

"it seems the news already has..." the nurse pointed at her phone from the breaking news.

"we need to hurry up and find him. which patient was it?" the doctor asked

"kim namjoon."
"why did i stay late? i'm so tired." jin yawned on his way home. he really regret studying so late.

he stretched his arms before hearing a voice next to him.

"hey? do you watch the news?" jin looked next to him and in the cold alley was a man wearing a black jacket and hat, with some jeans.

"excuse me?" jin questioned the man.

"do you watch the news?" the man repeated.

"no. why?"

the man took off his hat. jin widened his eyes. "holy shit." jin mumbled. he didn't know such a stranger could be so handsome.

"what?" the man said, pulling jin from his thoughts.

"n-nothing.." jin replied, "but seriously, what do you need?"

the man chuckled, "so you seriously don't know me?"

"yes, i really don't." jin huffed. "why?"

"well you see, do you mind if i stay with you? i have no where else to go." the man begged, putting his hands together as if he was praying.

Hey guys! I hope you liked the update. Thank you for reading - N

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