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It was night. There was a brown haired little girl, holding on her brother's hand while crossing the bridge which lead them towards the town. A row of lamp posts lit up the street, as they quickly head to the nearest mall. A few hours left before close time. She looked around and amazed at the night view.

It was her birthday. She finally get a first birthday present which was a ticket to the movie theater. But sadly, her brother managed to buy only for her, as he said the tickets were sold out but... he lied. He actually had ran out of money. They entered the door of the mall and she gasped. It was bright, as the lights shone the whole internal building.

Every floors were lit up by the lamps and the stores were filled with people. "Where's the theater?" She asked eagerly. He looked at his pocket watch. 5 minutes left, he thought and turned to look at her "On the second floor. Let's get there, pronto." She nodded quickly, as she ran to the stairs then dashed to the second floor.

He tried to keep up with her and when they reached the destination, they stopped nearby the entrance of the movie theater. He took a deep breath and released it. His whole legs trembled. He touched the wall and let out a long breath. "How to enter the theater?" The girl asked quickly, as her feet tapped quickly on the floor.

He pointed at the counter in front of the entrance. "Listen, I'm so sorry I can't enter the theater with you. You have to give the ticket to the receptionist then enter the door which had been stated in the ticket." He said slowly while the little girl looked at the ticket in her hand. It was thin, light red colored ticket with a number on it.

She nodded eagerly and grinned. He sigh in relief and patted her head. "Now, go on. I've to go to the restroom for a while. I'll wait you here." He looked into her eyes, as he felt slightly suffocate for he had lied her. They are poor, orphaned siblings which lived outside the town, near the woods. He was the one who do countless of job to earn their living.

And one day, he managed to have enough money to buy her a gift, which is a ticket to a movie theater. She kept on talking about it, as the poster displayed on the street about the movie theater caught her attention. Almost all day, she kept on telling about it and at one point, he decided to give her first experience of watching those movie.

"Alright!" She giggled and skipped towards the counter. 'I just have to head to that counter and show him the ticket. Then, I get to watch the theater!' She exclaimed and stopped when she felt slightly cold. She looked around and startled when saw a man with black suit standing in front of her.

"Good evening, young lady. Do you, perhaps have a golden ticket with a heart shaped on it?" He asked and plastered a smile. She looked over her shoulder for her brother but he was not there. 'He must be head to the restroom.' She thought. She looked at her hand and her eyes became widen. It was a golden ticket as the mysterious man mentioned.

She looked up at the man and inspect him. His hair was grey, slicked back and wearing a thick spectacle which his eyes were hidden behind it. The black suit looks kind of expensive, she thought. "H-here." She gave him the ticket and his smile never fade his face. "Right this way, miss." He gestured his hand towards a door and let the little girl walked in front of him.

She entered the slightly dim hall, which she saw a few rows of seats in front of her eyes. She walked carefully down the steps and sat on the front row seat. She looked around but only the sound from the speaker echoed in the hall. She noticed a boy sitting a few seats away from her. She quickly changed her seat and plopped down on the seat beside him, as he startled with her sudden appearance.

"Hi! Are you watching alone too?" She greeted him and asked but he only mumbled under his breath and crossed his arms. He wore a neat black suit with a bow tied neatly on his collar. His black shoes was nicely polished and his black hair was neatly combed. He looked at her and rolled his eyes.

'So rude!' She screamed internally. She only smiled at him, forcefully. "By the way, my name is Amelia. What's your name?"

No respond. She held the burning sensation of anger inside herself by taking a deep breath and released it. She looked at the screen in front of her and giggled. "It's my first time, on my birthday. I really wish that my brother is here but... the tickets are sold out." She paused and twirled her brown hair.

"But, I'm really grateful that he keep his promise to buy these ticket for my birthday. I'll tell him everything that I watch tonight." She said in determination and looked at him. Their eyes met. She felt her heart skipped. His blue eyes shone in excitement when hearing someone talk to him.

He was longing to have friend, as he always been locked up in the mansion, surrounded by maids and butlers. That night, one of his butler bought him a ticket to the movie theater and left him in the hall, as the butler only bought those ticket for him. The boy felt slightly upset due to no one accompany him.

But alas, the little girl came from nowhere and talked right beside him. For him, it was... as if a miracle. He opened his mouth to say his name but flinched when the lights on the screen flashed. "Oh, it's going to start! I'm so excited." She said cheerfully and tapped his lap. He blinked a few times and only look at the screen.

A whole hour passed and she was really into the movie. He took a glance sometimes at her, as she sometimes reacted to the scenes. Whether it were sad, jump scare, or joke, she react quite well. He turned his gaze and stared at the screen blankly, as his mind wanders off. He snapped when a slight, deep voice came from the back of their head.

A worker walked into the hall from the back door. The worker walked down the steps and flashed the torch onto her face. "You- how did you get in here?! It's a VIP seat, ONLY FOR VIPS!" He yelled, causing the little girl to snap from her focus on the plot. "Wha--" she startled when the worker grabbed her arm. The boy stood, trying to help released her but been pushed by the worker.

A little pink string bracelet fell on her seat. The boy picked it up and hesitated, whether to give it to her instantly or not. He could see the worker's face slightly red due to fume with anger, preventing him to be brave enough to gave her the bracelet. "Show your ticket." The worker demanded. The girl took out a ticket from her pocket, which suprisingly a red colored ticket. "I-I swear, it's golden ticket befo--"

"There's no golden ticket sold here. Here, the vip ticket is a maroon color." The boy said slowly, as he showed his ticket at her. He didn't expect that she entered the wrong hall. He felt pity for her, he could not do anything to help her. "B-but the man before... the ticket is..." She stuttered. She could not process in her mind what just happened back then before entered the hall.

She swear that there's a man in black suit showed her this is the hall for her to watch the movie, but the worker's expression was unpleased. "It's the other hall. NOT here. Follow me." He dragged the girl by the arm but she quickly pushed him away. "I know the way out." She scoffed and turned her head over her shoulder. The little girl smiled at the boy and waved her hand at him.

'I wish that I can meet him again, soon.' She thought and head out.

'I-I didn't get a chance to give to her. I hope I can meet her again.' He prayed and looked at the screen which flashed a sailor sailed away from the port on a sailing boat while waving his hand towards a lady on the land.

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