plan 3

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As I have succeeded my first step of my plan, I had to call Ali.

I took my phone and call him, since we were in big mission, we had to talk in Spanish, so that no one can understand us, after few rings he pick up.

I said ; hola!, have you finish the first part of the plan from your side.

He said : I have done!

I said :muy bien!, (very good), so tomorrow we will do the second step, so be ready.

He said:at your service senora!!

I said:I told zainab also the plan, hence I needed her help too, I can't do this alone!!

He said:you can trust her, she seems to be a good lady!!

I said :gracious! ! Hasta manana (see you tomorrow)!!

He said :Adois!!, hasta pronto !!(bye, see you soon)!!

I hung up the phone, and went to zainab, I told her we two finish our first steps , have you completed yours.

She said : yes, I completed my part, they're coming tomorrow.

I said :well done, so tomorrow we will do the next step.

Since it was time, for zaki to come from office, I prepared dinner for him, and set up the dinner table with his favorite dishes and candles, and I went and put on the dress he like , his favorite perfume and waited for him

After sometime he came , before he could open the door, I went to open for him, each one of us has it's own key,but in order to surprise him, I have to do all this.

I said:Assalamualikum and went and give him a hug!

He said:walikum salam, and give me a kiss in the cheek, and said looking so beautiful.

I said :thanks, come let's have dinner, I'm famish, I took the bag from him, and make him to sit down.

After he saw the table with dishes and candlelights , he said we're having romantic dinner !!!and it's my favorite dishes.

I said I know, after long time we are having dinner together, so it's worth it.

He smile and said: love you honey, you are the best!!!

I said :yaa I know, and said in whisper ,you don't know all this things I'm doing is to trap you fool!!

He said : what did you say, couldn't hear??.

I said :I just said it's good to have you back, and give him a fake smile.

After we had dinner, I said to him, darling you have to sleep all alone!!

He gave me a surprise look, and said what happen !!!

I said to him, Aliya is not well, she is having high fever and vomiting .

He said : why you did not inform me!!

I said : since you were busy in business , I did not want you to get worried.

I took her to hospital, and the doctor wrote for her medicine and said, she will be fine in a couple of days.

He said; I want to see her.

I said : though she is asleep, go and see her, after he went.

I said to myself;how pathetic, how can I be in the same room with you?? , after making me to go through so much pain!!!

I went to my daughter's room , zaki was inside , sitting on the bed..

I said :it's just fever, she will be alright don't worry, as you are tired go and sleep baby, I will take care of her.

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