Chapter One

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"Engage brain, Rose." Scorpius snaps from across the table.

"Hmm?" I murmur, focusing my eyes back onto the boy opposite me. He glares and leans back in his seat,

"I asked you a question."

"Um... And I would have to say the answer is... twenty Hippogriffs."

"Yes. Yes, Rose, the three signs of a werewolf are twenty Hippogriffs." Scorp laughs, shaking his head, "Rose, I'm trying to help you, so you don't fail Defence! Can you at least pay attention..?"

Pressing the heels of my hands against my eyes, I reply

"Sorry... I'm just really tired, can't we do this tomorrow?"

"Not really, since this is DUE tomorrow. And it's your own fault. You didn't have to stay up so late at that party last night."

I groan, "But Scorp, we won! If we beat Hufflepuff in the next game, which we will because, you know, it's HUFFLEPUFF, then we'll win the Cup!"

He rolls his eyes, "Fine, whatever, just pay atten-"

"Scorp, I'm hungry.."

"You just ate! We literally just had lunch."

"But that was an hour ago!"

Narrowing his eyes at me, Scorpius glances behind him at the huge clock behind the library desk. In front of which, the evil librarian is glaring at us from. Nothing against librarians, mind you, but the hexes on those books if they're overdue... Wow.

"I guess maybe we may've...outstayed our welcome.." He says when he eventually turns back to me.

"Scary librarian?"


"Let's go."

I grab his hand and we make our escape.

When we arrive in the Great Hall, I glance toward the Slytherin table where a few of them glare at us disapprovingly. Scorpius follows my gaze, frowns and then tugs me over to the far end of the Gryffindor table. It had taken a while for my friends and family to get used to my being friends with a Slytherin, but believe me, the Slytherins are taking even longer.

"You gonna eat, Rosie?" ,he says, gesturing at the food on the table, "This was your idea after all."

"Uh, yeah." I say, starting on a sandwich.


"Where WERE you, Rosie?" Lily sighs from beside the fire in the Gryffindor common room.

I drop my bag on the floor and collapse onto the sofa opposite her, untying my tangled hair from its bun. "With Scorp. Why?"

"Oh. I'd thought you were going to come to Hogsmeade with Albus and me today.."

I sigh, I'd completely forgotten that last week I'd promised her that... Scooting closer to the her, I sit on the edge of the sofa.

"Agh oh sorry Lily.. I forgot and...and I had to revise for Defence, you know its my worst subject. I'll come with you next Hogsmeade weekend, promise." I plead

She huffs, silently staring into the fire.

"Did you have fun?" I try

Lily turns back to me after a while, and shrugs. "My brother went off with some girl in Hufflepuff, so I went to Honeydukes..." She trails off smirking and produces a bag with the Honeydukes logo emblazoned on the front. I gasp and slide off the sofa onto the floor next to her.

"Please please please please, Lils! Please!"

She laughs, "No way, Rose. If you wanted the sweets, you should've come with me. These are entirely mine, all the chocolate wands and fizzing whizzbees...mmm..."

Glaring at her, I throw a cushion at her head.

"Fine." I grumble.

"Ooh ooh, guess what ELSE happened in Hogsmeade?" Lily grins

I sigh, "What?"

"Lysander finally asked me out!"

"Lysander Scamander?"

"Mm hm! Yeah and he bought me some butterbeer in The Three Broomsticks, and we talked for ages... He's so funny, Rosie. And we're going out again next week! I've liked him for forever..."

"Isn't he a bit old for you?"

"What? No! He's a fifth year!"

"And you're a third year."

Sighing she flops backwards onto the warm rug, "Rosie it's love..."

At this I can't resist the urge to laugh, Lily falls in love as quickly as she falls asleep. Which is unnaturally fast, believe me, in the holidays when we'd stay at the Potters' for a week, and I'd be talking to Lily, suddenly she'd just start snoring. It's quite a talent really.

"Oh sure. Like it was love with Robb Carter last month? Or Michael Hornby before that? Or that Ravenclaw boy YESTERDAY?"

"Psh, this is DIFFERENT."

I shrug, "If you say so, Lils." Knowing she'll be over him in a week, she always is, if you just let it run it's course.

"Take your disapproving stare elsewhere, Rose."

"Hmm...I wonder what big brother James would say if he knew about you, his innocent little sister, and Lysander..."

"Oh Merlins pants! If you tell him, I swear I'll hex you into oblivion!"

Smirking, I reply, "In exchange for three chocolate wands."


"Pay up."

Grumbling she hands them over, "How kind of you, Lily!"

"Whatever. Just don't breathe a word to James." She says

I grin and start to climb the stairs to the girls dormitories, "Breathe a word of what to James? Night, Lily."


Hey !:) I'm not really sure where this is going but yay scorose so thank you for reading (if anyone's reading this) and I'll try to update soon! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2014 ⏰

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