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My mother began dating John when I was thirteen, I had been a really shy kid and my mom always told me that I needed to become more socialized, I just couldn't seem to find a single person that I cared to talk to on a regular basis. When my mom and I moved in with John I had only met his daughter Allie about four or five times. We were the same age and my mom really hoped we'd become friends.

    Johns first wife had passed away from breast cancer when Allie was four and he'd remained single until he met my mom. John was nice to me and he was the only same-sex parental figure I'd ever known. It felt crucial that my mom married him. Sometimes I think she did it more for me than herself but nonetheless I loved having a dad and Allie and I did become friends, I was more than the son of her dad's new wife I was her brother...

    I hated that, I didn't want to be Allie's brother, I wanted to be her boyfriend. I woke up most mornings to the sound of Allie practicing the piano in her room which was next to mine. If not that, it was her music she played when warming up and practicing her cheer routine. She always told me how much she hated being so skinny. She had no breasts and no butt, I thought she was perfect either way but she felt insecure, She thought cheerleaders should have more to look at than skin and bones.

    We had long talks, she would try to gain weight but nothing ever worked. She had a cousin who worked at a cosmetic surgeons office and through her she found a line of products that could help her put on some weight, and help her breasts grow, it was more of a cheap way to get a breast augmentation.

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