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Nate POV

I wake up in my own bed which is odd because usually i'm in some girls bed right about now or the other way around. I grab a pair of joggers and go downstairs and I see someone's little feet sticking out from the corner of my eye. I walk closer and see that's Mia. She was fast asleep, she looked adorable and calm. I grabbed a blanket and put it on her. Mia was something else. She's gorgeous but also hella funny. She doesn't complain which is a PLUS. She's got an amazing body and great personality. But there's one problem, she's with Jack. I already know that Jack will go back to Madison. He always does. But I don't even know if  Mia likes me enough to ask her to be my girlfriend or anything more than a friend. I just hope she feels something for me too or else that's awkward. When we had our conversation before the party yesterday it felt like I knew her for years. It was so smooth and I liked that, and  ugh I don't know. I walk to the kitchen and I hear shuffling.

"Nate?" I turn around and she's wrapped in the blanket. "Oh hey good morning, do you need anything" I smiled. She smiled "no i'm good thanks, I was wondering if you could take me home?" I smiled and said sure. The car ride was silent but there was music on. I kept glancing at her, she seemed so tired. "Well this is me" she said. "Uh yeah, I'll see you tomorrow take the day off" I said. "Thanks Nate, see you soon". Just like that she was in her apartment. I drove off and went home. When I got home, the house felt empty. I hated it, I wanted to see Mia. Adam walks out.
"Mr. Maloley what's wrong?" he asked.
"I don't know Adam". "Is it that girl" he says. I look at Adam, he's known me for 10 years, he has been there for me through everything. "Yes" I said looking down. "She's quite interesting but will you treat her like the others?"
"I don't know Adam, which is what i'm scared of. I want to make her feel special in every way possible but she's with Jack" I say.
"Nate good things come with time" Adam says as he walks to the kitchen.

Mia's POV
After Nate drove me home he told me I could have a day off. I was taken back by his generosity, but he has been so kind recently. I love seeing Nate's sweet side, he can be so kind. I feel something for him but I know I can't do anything about it. I sigh and I text Jack.

Mia- hey jack, r we on for tonight?
Jack- hey, and yes i'll be there at 7
Mia- sounds good i can't wait
Jack- me too see u tonight luv

I like his text and take a shower. I got out and put on some shorts and a sweatshirt. I'm so bored and it's only 3. I don't know why but I felt like texting Nate. So I did...

Mia- hey dad
Nate- daddy* to u missy
Mia- ha ha so funny wyd
Nate- nothing why
Mia- i'm bored why did u give me a day off ??
Nate- lol don't ask just receive poo brain
Mia- grrr, do you wanna get ice cream ?
Nate- i don't know Mia, isn't that weird i'm like your boss
Mia- you're also my friend, it will be fun
Nate- fine
Mia- bring my car it's still at your place i'll drive u home afterwards
Nate- okay mom

I put my phone down and laugh as I waited for Nate to come. He finally was here and i walked downstairs to meet him. I got in the car and gave him a fist pump. "You look fabulous" he says sarcastically. "Sis please I know I look good all the time" I said. "Mhm you're not wrong" he said smiling. Nate played me one of his songs. It's called Homegrown. When Nate raps it's fucking amazing. He loves it more than anything and you can tell, he puts so much thought and effort into his work. "Nate, you're amazing. You have so much talent" "Thank you Mia that means a lot. He puts his hand on my thigh and gave it a squeeze in a friendly way. We jam out to some songs and All The Stars by Kendrick and Sza comes on. I SING THE WHOLE DAMN THING. "Damn girl you can sing" Nate says. "Thanks" I blush. We finally arrive to Ben & Jerry's, my favorite kind of ice cream. We go to the front counter, "Hi can I please get a small chocolate fudge brownie, and for the lady ?" "Can I please get the same thing?" I say. Nate pays for us and we sit outside because it was in the 70s. "Thanks for getting me ice cream" "Of course Mia, I didn't know you liked Chocolate fudge brownie too" he says.
"I do, there are many things you don't know about me" I say. "Oh really, like what ?" I think about what to say but nothing comes out. "Mia?" Nate says "So tell me something"
I pause, "5 years ago my mom died" I look down. "Mia i'm sorry" as he comes besides me to give a hug. "It's not your fault, she's in a better place now" I smile trying to fight the urge of tears. I don't know why I told Nate, but I just feel some sort of connection with him. We continue to share embarrassing stories about ourselves to each other. We become closer than ever in just 1 hour which is so unrealistic but crazy. I drove Nate home and we sang songs on our way to his house. "Alright Mia it was fun while it lasted" "Yes indeed it was Mr. Nate"  he laughs as I make a silly face. "Miaaaaaas" he groans. "NATEEEEEEEeee" I imitate him. "Please hangout with me tonight??" he asked. "I can't skate, Jack is coming over. How about tomorrow?" He looked hurt but he agreed and we said our goodbyes. I drove home and once I got there I waited for Jack.

The doorbell rings and Jack arrived. He had chocolate and flowers. "Awh Jack, this is so sweet" I say as I kiss him on the cheek. He comes in and takes his jacket off. "What would you like to do?" he asked. "Face masks!!" i scream in excitement. We do the face masks and take cute pictures. Then Jacks phone rings, his face had gone blank. He went into the other room and picked it up.


A/N do y'all like it so far ??? lmk <33

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