C/C 0

3.6K 57 9


1. Morse Code
2. Polybius Square
3. Vigenere Square
4. ROT 13
5. ROT 1
6. Baconian
7. Tap Code
8. Tricode
9. Alphanumeric
11. Atbash
12. Vanity Code
13. Porta Cipher
14. Clock Cipher
15. Caesar Shift
16. Bifid Cipher
17. Monoalphabetic Substitution Cipher
18. Binary Code
19. Simple Transposition Cipher
20. Base 8
21. Four-Squre Cipher
22. Pigpen Cipher
23. Braille Code
24. Templar Cipher
25. Caesar Square or Box
26. Playfair Cipher
27. Templar Cipher
28. ROT cipher
29. Trifid Cipher
30. Dancing Men Cipher
31. Rail Fence Cipher
32. VIC cipher
33. Route Cipher
34. Tom Tom Code
35. Pig Latin
36. Super Scrabble Code
38. The Pinprick Code
39. Book Cipher
40. Scytale
41. Date Shift Cipher
42. Digraph Cipher
43. Kenny Code
44. Beaufort Cipher
45. Autokey Cipher
46. Dice Cipher
47 Dorabella Cipher
48. Navajo Code
49. Bazeries Cipher
50. Amsco Cipher
51. Fractionated Morse Code
52. Zodiac Killer Code
53. Giovanni Fontana Code
54. Myszkowski Cipher
55. Homophonic Substitution Cipher
56. Decimal, Hexadecimal and Octal Code
57. QWERTY code or Keyboard Code

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