Authors note and information about characters:

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The main characters in this book are:

3.Percy (A friend of Michael)
4.Dean (A friend of Michael)
5.Frank (A friend of both Michael and Jennifer)
6 . Mrs Abraham (Michael and Jennifer's 7th grade teacher)
7.Elena (A friend of both Michael and Jennifer)
8.Sarah (A class pupil of Michael)
9. Rachel(Michael's mom)
10. Zee zee  (Michael's older brother)
11. Shaday  (Michael's smaller sister)

Other non-important characters include:

This story will start at the time when Michael first met Jennifer in second grade and after a series of events we will come to our present situation which is now...

Guys I will try to be as descriptive as I can as I write each chapter,this is my first book that I've decided to write I hope this goes well. Thank you for deciding to read this book and please don't forget to vote ^^

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