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Lucky nudged Star and Arrow into the bushes, away from the other Fierce Dogs, away from the Dog Garden, and away from the angry longpaws.

"Where is Mother-Dog, Lucky?" Arrow asked, whimpering and not knowing what to do.

"Yeah, Lucky. Tell us." Star snarled, or at least tried to. She was so young that she could hardly keep her lips pulled back.

"Now is not the time for questions," Lucky settled beside them, tipping his head back with pain from the spikes. "We have to wait out the longpaws. It will be awhile. Patience is a virtue, pups. Now settle down." Lucky licked the little furballs with his sandy-like tongue.

"I don't wanna settle down," Star growled. "And don't lick us either." Stars' hackles raised. "And don't try to-" Star was stopped with a jerk.

"Pups! Run! Run with the Wind-Dogs! Let the Earth-Dog carry you..." Lucky's sound was drifting away. Star didn't know what to do, but Arrow seemed to.

"Follow me." Arrow said quietly. He got down on his belly and crawled out of the bush and made no sound.

What the heck is the Earth-Dog? Star huffed.

"Hush, Star. You will make them notice-" But it was again, too late. Arrow was grabbed by the scruff and carried away. Before he was out of earshot, he screamed.

"Run, Star! Let the Spirit-Dogs lead you, carry you. Feel them, Star. I love you." Then Star could no longer hear him.

Star sprinted, dodging the twigs and jumping over the fallen trees from years passed.

This was all my fault...

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