First Day

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He sauntered into the lecture hall for his fifth and final class of the day. Fatigue was beginning to get to him as he walked past the few early students towards the podium.

He threw his worn, brown leather briefcase onto the podium and grabbed papers from inside as students filtered into the large classroom. Syllabuses in hand, he smirked towards the sea of faces in front of him. He could tell the differences between the eager freshman, the slightly worn sophomores, the indifferent juniors, and the seniors who were just there to fill their schedules.

He split up the stack of papers in his hand as he spoke, quieting them instantly, "Alright!" Hushed whispers continued between various students, "I'm Professor Sam Winchester." He circled around the podium, settling behind it as he ran a hand through his hair, "But, call me Sam. I'm not much for the formality of 'Professor Winchester'," he chuckled.

"I'm sure you all know that you're in Bygone Religions." He paused and looked around the room quickly, "Hopefully." Small chuckles filled the air as he continued, "As you all know, the first day of class is the dreaded syllabus day. I know it's the same in every class, but we have to do it. And trust me, I hate it just as much as you guys do. "

Sam flipped through the pages, "Pretty much don't steal other people's work, don't harass each other," he pointed out towards his students, "and I will report anything that I don't like. There's no reason to be a jerk here." He watched freshman's eyes grow large at his statement, as their upperclassmen counterparts rolled their eyes at hearing the same speech from every professor.

Sam continued going over the class syllabus: what he expected out of the students, what they would cover in class, the usual first day droll. He always hated the first day when he was a student, and he hated it even more as a professor.

The corner of his mouth quirked up as he threaded his hand through his hair while he finished the last thing he wanted to cover for class. "Well, I don't know about you guys, but I don't want to start a lecture now." He could see seniors perk up as freshman seemed worried they weren't going to start notes right away. "I'm done with class for today if you guys are. If anyone has any questions, you can come up and ask." He grabbed excess papers and stuffed them into his briefcase, "Have fun in round two of syllabus day tomorrow." Students groaned in protest as he chuckled.

A few bubbly freshman were brave enough to approach him, while the rest filed out of the lecture hall quickly. When everyone was finally gone, he walked up the long aisle of the classroom and walked towards his office.

He sat at his desk and let out a sigh. He decided in that moment that he would go to the bar for a drink for having a decent first day.

He checked his email one last time, responding to a few colleagues before he stood up from his desk. Doing one last check for his wallet and keys, he locked his office and left for the day.

Sam pulled into the parking lot of a small bar near his house. He glanced up at the sign reading "Harvelle's" with a small smile as he walked to the door.

The familiar sounds of classic rock washed over him as the door closed behind him. Sam slid onto his usual barstool as Ellen walked out from the kitchen.

"Heya Sam!" She threw the towel in her hands over her shoulder. "How's it hangin'?"

"Hey Ellen," Sam replied with a smile. "It's going. First day of classes are over, thank goodness."

"I never thought I would see the day.... Professor Sam Winchester," Ellen chuckled, shaking her head as she placed a cold beer in front of him. "Who knew?"

"Ha, yeah. It still feels a little strange." He glanced down at his beer, fiddling with the label.

Ellen reached across the bartop, patting him on the back and smiling, "You'll do great Sam."

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