Chapter 1

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I'm sorry for the very late update. I will try to update the story regularly.


A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous.
- Coco Chanel


This is ridiculous. Maintaining her cool facade is becoming impossible. She shot a look towards her secretary hoping that her secretary is going to say that it is a prank and she will laugh.

She groaned in frustration. She can feel her anxiety rising up. Taking deep breaths, she looked at her secretary and masking her inner fear and turmoil mustered up a smile and calmly said, "Thanks for informing me Maya. I will make sure to meet him later".

Her secretary gave her a sympathetic smile and left her alone. 

Arohi is a smart 26 years old woman. Her parents passed away when she was 22 in an accident. From then she helped herself overcome loneliness and started her dream business. 'Amore Weddings' was started when she was 24 years old. The struggle was real when starting a business on your own. Arohi made sure her dream was never corrupted by others and also to keep her promise for her parents.

Her parents were the happiest couple she has ever seen. They both were truly in love, and even left the world together to the show the whole world that they were truly made for eachother. Being the only daughter she witnessed and glorified in their love for her but was never once arrogant. Her parents gave her full freedom and made her live independently even from her childhood so that she could never depend on anyone.

She missed her parents. If they were here they would have never let anything happen to her. They would have put that bastard Aditya behind the bars if they have known what kind of guy he was.

Aditya. Her fiance. She shuddered.

The snake had posed has a nice guy and convinced her parents for her hand in marriage. Arohi accepted cause of her parents, but she never felt any affections towards him. His character was shocking to her after learning about him. she tried to void him, rejected him and broke of her engagement to him after knowing is true colors. But the snake makes sure to contact her even after she put him behind the bars for eve teasing and stalking.

Aditya wanted her to meet him for dinner at a restaurant. She would have to go and talk him out of his obsessive character. If not he would be continually disturbing her then she has no choice but to put him in a restraining order.

Arohi sighed and closed her eyes. For once, she wanted someone to protect her and shield her from all the evils that surrounded her and tell her that everything would be okay. But she know there is never someone for her.

'If only she knew, that her man would die for her' smiled cupid while looking at her from his chamber.


At 7:30 p.m she left her office at went to her apartment. Her apartment is nothing much just her necessities. She went to her room and opened her closet searching for a suitable dress to wear. It's not she is dressing up for that swine, but her inner feeling tells her to dress accordingly. 

She has a feeling that something is going to happen and her whole world may change.

'Nah.... You're just paranoid' chimed her inner voice. She rolled her eyes, even her stupid mind can't decide on one thing.

After applying  light makeup she grabbed her purse and phone and locked her apartment and left with her car keys.

Even though her heart is full of nerves she cant stop feeling a light comfort and a feeling everything's gonna be alright.

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