Chapter 4

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{The Image above is not my Art I just think this is similar to how Eric looks now. Image is from Google}


* after taking his shower Eric dried off and slipped on the new clothes. It was a band t-shirt of some rock band he had never heard of and a pair of Skinny jeans. Lastly he slid on his new pair of Converses.*

*He planned to later find out who the band was. But while living with his parents it would of been impossible to   listen to such music without being beaten to a pulp.*

*Eric then left the locker room and headed down the hall towards James office. He thought the owner of Fazbear's was a little weird but cool at the same time. He wasn't sure what to think of the tall man who liked to wear purple a lot*

*He knocked on the open office door before peeking in*

*James was at his desk almost dozing off until he heard the knock and almost jumped out of his chair* I wish you wouldn't creep up on me like that!

*He chuckled a little* you were dozing off. No matter what I said or did you would of jumped.

Either way. Come over here, there is one last thing we gotta do while we are here. But it's gonna be painful.

*He looked a little confused and worried as he stepped into the office. That's when he saw something that looked like a gun on the desk but had a needle on the end of it instead of a barrel for a gun, a bag of cotten balls, and some prioxide* what are you going to do?

I'm peircing your nose and ear. *He said as if it was no big deal*

What?! I..I mean that sounds awesome but doesn't that kind of thing hurt like hell!?

Of course it does, but you will get over it. This is going to be apart of your new image so no one can recognize you.

*He still looked a little worried as he stared down at the piercing gun. He then sighed and nodded* alright what do you want me to do?

*He pulled a chair closer to him. It looks like he had taken it out if the party room* sit down and face the wall. And whatever you do don't move, no matter the pain, or I could fuck it up completely and your left with a nasty scar it tear your ear lobe in two.

*He nodded and sat down in the chair looking at the wall. Next he suddenly felt something really cold on his ear which confused him* what's that?

It's a cube of ice. It will help numb it a little but not much. I'm about to put the hole in so shut up and don't move.

*Eric went quiet and he felt the ice on his ear lobe for a few more minutes  before it got pulled away. As soon as that piece of ice was off he squeezed his eyes shut and forced his body not to move. And as soon as that ice came over it was replaced by the feeling of the gun sliding over his ear love and then a stabbing pain in his ear lobe. He bit his lip trying not to scream or cry from it. After that was over he felt something soft replace it and it started to burn. But he still kept his composure and didn't move. After a short time he felt something slide into the hole and it hung there.*

Alright that half is done. Try not to mess with it or it will get irritated.

*Eric looked back at James and saw that the cotten balls he used were full of blood* that wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

Yeah, well we haven't done the nose yet so you should still be worried.

*And just like that he was worried again. He barely ever felt anything on his ear lobe so it was never that sensitive but his nose was a different story.* Alright let's just get this over with.

Alright turn in the chair and face towards me this time.

*He did as he asked and James picked up the piece of ice again. And pressed it on his nose. At this time Eric got a clear look at all of James's features. He was a pretty average guy. Tall, handsome, brown eyes and hair, had a little bit of a peach fuzz going on. But he seemed like the organized type so he figured he would be shaving sometime soon to get rid of the fuzz. But he honestly kind of thought the fuzz suited him. It was at this time he realized James was trying to talk to him*

Hey kid are you listening to me?

Oh sorry I guess I kind of zoned out a little. What were you saying?

I asked when your birthday was. If your going to be 17 for long I'm gonna have to put you on a later shift so people think you go to school and stuff.

Oh don't worry about that. I turn 18 in a week and you said I won't start for another week or 2.

Good, if your 18 it can look like you just graduated or something.

Well I could of just lied about my age...

Yeah but you don't really look the part. I honestly thought you were 15 when I saw you.

*He glared at him* I don't look 15!

Kid I was just kidding cool your jets. Now sit still. *He removed the ice and replaced it with the gun.*

*Eric instantly closed his eyes trying to stay still*

*James pulled the trigger and the gun pushed through his nose. He quickly released and held the cotten ball on his nose to make sure it stopped bleeding and the prioxide was to make sure it didn't get infected*

*Eric bit down on his lip for that one and he almost screamed. That one hurt like a son of a bitch.*

Now to properly clean this you need to used warm salt water and a cue tip. Just rub the area down for a few mins after taking a shower. If not it's going to get infected and it's gonna hurt like hell. I can't take you to the doctor or nothing to get it checked least not yet. I have to talk to a friend of mine about getting you a new identity or something.

What like a fake ID or something? *He had a friend with a fake ID once. He got caught trying to buy alcohol. His parents found out and they raised hell that night*

Yes but more then that. You need new ID, social security card, birth certificate and everything. I got a cousin who works in the government I could ask him for a favor.

Make that a driver's license not an ID. I worked on a farm so of course I learned how to drive when I was 12. But Government? Just how big is your family?

*he decided to ask about the farm thing later as He chuckled a little and he put a small hoop in his nose* oh a lot of what me and my family do isn't your business, at least not until I get to know you better. But I can tell you we got a lot of money and I got family in high places.

That just makes me want to know even more...

Yeah we'll get use to it kid *he sighed standing up and cleaning up the mess* cuz your gonna have to gain my trust before you learn anything.

* "There he goes with the trust thing again" thought Eric "it would just be more simple if he just told me what to do to gain it but I doubt that's gonna happen soon. Guess I'm just gonna have to wait and find out...." *

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