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                       Brielle's POV


   It's the last day of college before spring break and here I am rolling out of bed 20 minutes late fumbling to find my phone.
"How could I have not heard my alarm?! My professor is going to kill me!!"

"How could I have not heard my alarm?! My professor is going to kill me!!"

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  I quickly got ready and ran out of my dorm. When I finally got to my INTRO TO BUSINESS class I took my seat right next to my best friend Xander.
                     Xander's POV

She's late again..what am I ever going to do with this girl.
   I gave her the death stare before interrogating her.
"I'm guessing you were up all night watching those corny video's again, you do realize everything they do is fake right"
"Yes and no, I did stay up to watch Sam and Colby's exploring videos but I can promise you they are real but that isn't why I am late"
  "Then why are you late, you missed almost half the class"
  "I had this weird dream, I actually met Sam and Colby's and filmed some videos with them and you won't believe the best part"
  "Oh good, do I even want to know"
  " They asked me to live with them in there fucking mansion"
  "You do realize this was all just a dream and it will never ACTUALLY happen now pay attention before we get in trouble"
                   BRIELLE'S POV

  And my dreams were crushed... I finished the rest of my last class without another word.
  I'm just hours away from there tour in Pennsylvania if I can even just meet them for a second that would be amazing. Who knows what could happen tonight. All I know is my dream can either come tumbling down or it could somehow become a reality. The world is full of many surprises who knows what could happen. One thing I know for sure is I can't wait to meet them.


                                                   1857 ❤BabyBrielle can't wait to meet Sam and Colby's tonight 😘😍Xander

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                                                   1857 ❤
BabyBrielle can't wait to meet Sam and Colby's tonight 😘😍
Xander.Cox Ooohhhh Hunnyy u lookin fierce have fun best friend! Mwah!! 😘
ALESSA.M Booootyfuuull baaaabbee 😍😍😍
Gewaun where the nudes at
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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2019 ⏰

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