Chapter 1

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Olivia's Pov

There is this boy... He's sweet and is a kind, gentle guy. He lives right next to me. Even though we don't speak the same language he helps in my mom's store of animals and messes up a lot. We share a lot of laughs and we have our special moments. His blue eyes and light brown hair are completely different from what I have, it looks awkward but that doesn't matter. I think he speaks Russian and I speak Latin. I got a Latin to Russian book and he laughed at me I was so embarrassed. After a couple weeks of him coming to my pet store we started hugging. I don't know what this feels like I feel secure and safe with him around. Hes very strong but not overly strong. I feel his chest and warmth every time we embrace. After two months I learned like 5 words in Russian. I dedicated myself to learning because it's obvious I need practice. My mom always asks if he's my boyfriend and I always say no but I definitely wish he was. One time after a days full of work. We were sitting next to each other in our own language and he gently placed his hand under mine. I was caught by surprise and I bit my tongue and he started laughing at my stupidity. He has such a gentle smile and we held hands ¨talking.¨ When he had to leave I grabbed his shirt and he gently held me and we stood there holding each other in a never ending moment for a minute. After he left I realized how fast my heart was racing. I'm in love... That day I had a nightmare and I spotted a shadow dash through my window. I heard the person crack the window open and I hid under my sheets in a never-ending fright. When I heard the usual Russian tongue of his I instantly relaxed. I turned and reached for my lamp. He pushed my arm down and he crawled in bed with me. I was so surprised I didn't know what to do. He reassured me and had the usual sneaky grin of his. I thought he was evil at times and he knew it. We held each other close and tried sleeping. I turned away and he hugged me from behind. It was incredibly comforting. I was still wondering why he came but how would I know why I can't speak Russian! I am learning Russian gradually. I can say basic things like hi, bye, how are you, and i love you... He's been trying to learn Latin and the mutual relationship is really funny. We both have our times when I or he messes up and the other corrects each other. It's incredibly time consuming. Time flies when I am with him. 5 hours seem to be 1 minute till I realize he's getting up. I always am a little heartbroken when he leaves but I always know I can see him tomorrow. When he didn't come to the daily routine of cleaning and grooming animals. I went to his house. His mom started teasing me about whether or not i'm his girlfriend yet and I was blushing incredibly hard although I would never admit it. I asked her where he was in the most broken Russian. She responded by saying I thought he was at your house. After 5 minutes of thinking / lag time I translated it and I finally started panicking. I ran outside visiting his school and the park and the the... stores everywhere I couldn't find him. I went to the pond and sighed sitting in the grass swaying as the wind danced over my hair and the grass. I heard a small noise and it was repetitive. It sounded like stepping so I looked behind my back and there he was only he was limping. I started to stand and moved slowly gaining speed as my heart raced. I raced into his arms and he just stood there as I wrapped my arms around his neck. I looked at his arms and they were covered in a deep red. I touched his arm gently and he backed away. I gave him a stern look and tried to tell him to let me see. I lifted his arm and he wouldn't budge. I saw a small puddle of blood under his feet and I held in a scream. He shared a face to me that showed he regretted coming. I had so many questions running through my head but I had him follow me and I took out my handkerchief and brushed his arm where it was red. When we reached my mom's store, he fell on the floor exhausted. My mom was petrified when I asked her for alcohol. I explained to her not that kind and she got me some to rub on him. I got a billion too many paper towels and came right back to him. He wasn't there. My eyes started to shine as tears formed. I started crying out loud and my mom comforted me. I was wondering who had done that, why he was hurt and why he wouldn't tell me what happened. I walked wiping my tears to his house and he wasn't there. I cried myself helplessly to bed as I dreamt of him.

Roy's Pov

She's reckless and a bit stubborn. I would try to tell her but she would get herself hurt or try to confront the Hillers. I moved slowly but efficiently I barely managed to get away from them. My arms were cut and I couldn't move them at all. I sat myself down at a park because of the soothing grass and the water fountain. I rubbed my hand in cold water. I winced and started tearing because I could feel it already stinging. I thought of her. Her smile, her laugh, her cuteness... I can imagine her crying right now. It hurts my heart to even imagine how much I could've hurt her. I decided to man up and go back to her because although its been 1 hour I missed her dearly. I got up and started trudging back to her house.

Olivia's Pov

I was having a nightmare... I woke up and recollected my thoughts. There was sweat dripping down my back cold and a large amount. I heard a familiar tapping on my window. I rushed and tripped and fell on my face running to the window. I opened it and there he was... I started wiping my tears for I had missed him and the nightmare was of him of course. He crawled in and laid on my floor. He was cold and was still bleeding. I was panicking I didn't know what to do he had lost so much blood he was pale. I ran into my mom's medical room and slowly rummaged through things we had. I brought back bandages and wraps and all the things I could find. I raced back to him and I gently lifted his arm and started wrapping his arms. He winced and teared up and I brushed the tears off his soft cheeks. His eyes were warm and seemed as if he was looking at my soul. I dedicated myself to helping him and he smiled as usual. In my head I thought "Jeez that smile is such a turn on >.

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