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My Dearest Lady,

                    First off, I want to say, I love you. I know you don't love me, it hurts, but it's true. Before you go ahead and reject me, please allow me to tell you how our first date would go.

                    I would pick you up at your house, around 8, and take you out to the country. I know how much you love the stars and examining the galaxies. You won't know it but in my trunk there are telescopes, maps of the stars and constellations, and so much more. As we leave the city you wonder about what we're going to eat. "Don't worry," I tell you,"I have that already figured out.

                     We arrive in an open plain. We get and I open the trunk, surprising you with all the blankets and pillows  in the world, and, of course, the astrological materials. You lay down and cover yourself with the blankets, and I have to say, you look adorable when you're wrapped up like a burrito.

                     I set up the telescope and maps. Then I come back and sit by you. Opening the cooler, I hand you a warm slice of your favorite pizza, light garlic white sauce with bacon and extra cheese. From Domino's of course. When you're done with your pizza I can see that you're thirsty. I pour you some nice Earl Gray Tea, one of your favorites. 

                    Your eyes shine as you look up at the sky, the stars reflecting off your pupils. I smile at you. You head turns towards me, catching me in the act. I blush then get up, pressing a button on my radio. Your favorite song comes on. We dance and dance. You accidentally trip over something, and I grab your hand just before you fall. Then you get this sexy smirk on your face and pull me down with you. We land softly on the pillows.

                  Finally, we stare into each other's eyes. Mine into your stormy blue-ish gray, and yours into my plain dark brown ones. Then we lean into each other...and kiss. Your soft, plump, wonderful lips. The bliss shoots throughout our bodies.

"I love you"

How does that sound? Will you give it a try? It's OK if you don't. I hope you do.  I going to go hide now. *squeak*


                Your Not-So-Secret Admirer

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