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Things had started to change around the BAU. After one of the last cases, Emily Prentiss showed up with a box full of paperwork to be transferred. The last case had been rough for Reid, who came home with a blank look in his eyes. Y/N watched him walk in and force a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. She didn't bother to inquire, not wanting to upset him any further.  JJ brought them all into the room as Y/N watched them enter before Gideon motioned her entrance. She smiled widely, holding her books close to her chest and sitting down at the table next to Gideon. Her father had just gotten back from the Smithsonian while the rest of the team , Y/N included, had just been called in from a bar after work.
"where were you tonight?" Morgan asked Gideon.
"He was at the Smithsonian, like he told ya." Y/N replied.
"You missed a good time."
"I had a good time."
"Well that's over now. Such a shame since Morgan was getting his thang on." Y/N joked , sending Morgan to ruffle her hair.
"Two people were killed in their home an hour ago in their suburban Atlanta home."
"An hour.. thats quick."
'The unsub called the police. Inside the house." JJ said, clicking through pictures.
"You're kidding... a massacre in 4 and 1/2 minutes. The file says he called them 'sinners.'"
They continued to talk about the case when Hotch stood.
"Okay, well, we'll talk more on the plane. Wheels up in 45. Get your go bags ready."
As everyone walked out of the room, Hotch stopped Y/N with Gideon behind her.
"How are your classes going, Y/N?"
"Really well. You learn a lot here so its definitely helping my studies."
"Gideon and I have been talking about bringing you on a case, but it simply hadn't line up with your class schedule. You're on break now, yes?"
"yes sir, I am. Will be for the next few weeks."
"Gideon packed a go bag in his office for you. I'll see you on the plane in 45. You know the rules."
"Don't worry, sir, I-I won't disobey you. I promise I wont let you down."
Hotch smiled and patted her back. Y/N turned on her heels to Gideon and hugged him.
"Thank you, thank you so much."
"Don't thank me.. you've been making great progress."
Y/N sped down to Penelope's office, a loud squeal and laughter ringing through the room. She walked out of the room and grabbed her go-bag, walking up to Reid.
"Hello, boy genius."
"You joining us on the case?"
"Yeah, I-I'm a little nervous but hey, its worth it."
"Luckily it's not two far away. Won't be much jet-lag either."
"Great... Spencer, are you okay? You seem a bit out of it."
"I'm fine, just a rough case is all. Thanks... means a lot."
"No problem. Just need to make sure resident genius is doing okay. Don't tell Pen I said that."
He chuckled, "Never."

The two talked up until they got on the plane late. Y/N had been shaking a little when they got on, Emily patted her shoulder gently. Reid sat next to Y/N at a table across from Emily and JJ when Prentiss asked,
"So how did you get to work with the BAU?"
"I-um, worked on a case w-with Spencer's mom. Same in-institution."
"Gideon told me about that. You scared of flying I'm guessing? Bit of anxiety?"
"Just during take-off. I'm getting u-used to it though. My anxiety was a lie to get rid of me. Foster system could care less about you, just as long as they get the money. Long story-short that is."
"You don't look that young, not much younger than Reid."
"I'm 22, I'll be 23 in a week or so."
"Well then, boy genius. Looks like you've been beat out for youngest agent."
"She's an intern, she doesn't officially work here."
"Not yet." Y/n nudged Reid, the conversation calming her down as they took off. Within an hour, the team was well asleep with the exception of Gideon and Reid. Gideon was across the aisle from the two, JJ and Prentiss having gotten up to be on actually beds. Gideon and Reid were talking about the case and playing chess later as Y/N slept against Reid's shoulder. She stirred when his arm moved, still sleeping.
"So, how've you been holding up?"
"talking helps. I'm fine."
"You and Y/N get along well."
"She's nice and a good listener. Plus, we have a lot in common, she's a really good friend."
He chuckled looking at the girl sleep.
"I'm going to get to bed. Do you want me to get her into an actual bed?"
"N-No, i think I'll move her if i need to. We'll be landing soon anyway."
Gideon smiled before laying down in the back. Reid kept his eyes on his book in his hand and looked over at the girl from time to time as she moved. He moved her hair out of her face and went back to reading, smiling down at his book.

This was the calm before the storm, minutes before a week of hell on earth.

Until... Him {Spencer Reid x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now