The Light in Her Eyes

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"All the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light of a single candle."
Saint Francis of Assisi

The sky around them was bright. The sun was shining and the birds were chirping. The world seemed at peace, all except the many clustered around the small grave. The small grave marker stood proud and tall, nothing like the group who was standing next to it.

A muffled cry shouted out as said person dropped to their knees. A shush as someone quickly grabs the crying person's hands to express some sort of comfort. Nothing would help though. Not now, because the one person who could almost always comfort anyone was now laying in front of them. Gone and lost in an eternal sleep. No longer having, that light in her eyes.

Neville could remember the time when the bullies were too much and had finally lost it, crying into the old wooden chair inside the Gryffindor common room. Where she had shown up worrying and fretting like a mother hen. The next day the two bullies had mysteriously wound up tied down on their beds... outside the castle. The mystery still stands to this day. Maybe that's why she always had that light in her eyes.

Draco could remember the sweet girl from his potions class. It made him feel sick, like he had had too much sugar. That's what she was basically, a sweet girl from a muggle family. Even though she was a mudblood, she was never taken down a peg from the name. Not even when she had found the note written inside her book, she just calmly threw it away without a second thought. She was always with Potter and Weasley group along with the other mudblood. She was too nice for her own good. Maybe that's why she always had that light in her eyes.

Ron could remember the girl on the train who couldn't put her bag in place. No matter how hard she tried, the blasted thing would not go down. So once Ron finally gathered the courage to help... The suitcase exploded, sending almost all of its contents on the group of four inside the small room. Once they arrived at Hogwarts, she wouldn't look at them for month. The light inside her eyes as they recalled the weird incident grew brighter as they talked.Or maybe it was the time they had tried to sneak some of the potion they had created into Malfoy's food, but was caught almost immediately. The look on her face when she smiled up at the witch in front of her. The light in her eyes burning bright as she took on the force of authority. Maybe that's why she always had that light in her eyes.

Hermione could remember the short girl, for she was the other mudblood in their mini-group. Once Malfoy had called her that dreaded name, both girls were affected. Not only did [Y/N] stop everything she was doing to comfort her friend, she worked off so many revenge plans, it was almost scary. Or the time were Hermione could not smile, for the world seemed to gray for any light. [Y/N] tried her hardest to make her crack, almost going all the way to turn the peaches beside her into tiny birds, which fluttered around on nervous wings. The sound of a squeal as one of the birds nested its way into Malfoy's hair. His girlish screams wouldn't stop. That was the reason why for the entire evening whenever the two girls made eye contact, they would burst out laughing. Maybe that's why she always had that light in her eyes.

Harry could remember after every Quidditch game she would come bounding down the stands to give him the biggest hug she could muster in her tiny body. The sound of her crying when she came back from visiting her home. The dreaded feeling in his stomach when she was asked to the dance by someone else. The first kiss they had shared in the library one night after hours of research. The way his heart skipped a beat or lost his breath as she took the time to grab his hand, smile, and whisper encouraging things as he was stricken with tasks ahead. The way her hand felt in his when she would try and skip down the hallways, instead of walking like a normal person. The way she would try with everything she had to save her friends, even once she was struck with the unforgivable curse. She had tried to hard to keep fighting but she wouldn't win that battle. The way her body fell limp as she took the final blow from the dark wizard in front of her. She risked her life to save the one she loved the most. The final spell that took her breath away, just like she had taken his. Harry could only watch in horror as the she finally lost the light in her eyes.


[Y/N] [L/N]
August 13th 1980- January 19th 1998
A loyal friend to all.
A burning light was finally darkened by death,
May she carry that on for others to follow.
To lighten the path for the forgotten.
A/N: I might write this story? I'm debating about scrapping my other writings and just starting over. To be determined... much love guys. Thanks for sticking around!

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