Chapter 11

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𝐼'𝓂 𝓉𝒾𝓇𝑒𝒹 𝑜𝒻 𝓂𝓎𝓈𝑒𝓁𝒻, 𝐼'𝓂 𝓉𝒾𝓇𝑒𝒹 𝑜𝒻 𝓂𝓎 𝑒𝓋𝒾𝓁 𝓌𝒶𝓎𝓈, 𝓎𝑒𝒶𝒽 ~ 𝒯𝑜𝓃𝑒𝓍
Listen to the song in the box it will fit in with this chapter 💕
The next morning
Audrey POV:So basically last night I tried to go for a round two but it couldn't work because Tyler said "iTs BaD fOr tHe bAby"But to be completely honest I don't care I just need my weekly does of dick but Tyler still doesn't want to corporate but anyways enough about my misery today we are going on a trip to the nail shop and I'm getting my nails done and then imma go to drop off these drugs .I know y'all are wondering why am I selling drugs well I can't strip because well ya know it's kinda obvious that I will loose my breath really quickly and I don't have time for that and plus I don't want to be feeling like a hoe but antyways let me go finish getting ready,

I know y'all are wondering why am I selling drugs well I can't strip because well ya know it's kinda obvious that I will loose my breath really quickly and I don't have time for that and plus I don't want to be feeling like a hoe but antyways let ...

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What Audrey was wearing^^

Miami:Momma you look pretty
Audrey:Thank you babes
Miami:Do I have to go to school today?
Audrey:Yes baby now go get your book bag
Audrey:Keep that shit up and imma pop you in your fucking mouth
Audrey:I'm about to smack you in your mouth
Audrey:Don't question me
Miami:But why tho
Seven:Mimi go sit down before you get in trouble
Seven:Well I tried to help
Audrey:Miami come here
*Audrey hits her in the mouth*
Audrey:Quit trying me before I beat your ass and that's the last time I'm going to say this
Seven:Come on its time to go momma
Audrey:Do you got your book bag
Seven:Yes Ma'am
Audrey:Do you got your stuff Miami?
Audrey:Yes What
Miami:Yes Ma'am
Audrey:That's better now come on girls
*she drops them off at school *
Audrey:Time to go have some me timeeeeeeee*she sang*
*then her phone rings*
Kiki:Hey bihh What you doing
Audrey:Bout to drop off these loads then go get my nails done
Kiki:Did Tyler tell u that u could do that
Audrey:No and I don't give a fuck about what he say to be honest he can suck My dick
Kiki:Whew you better keep that same energy when he be having u crying again
Audrey:When did he have me crying
Kiki:For one last night ,when y'all got done you came in my room crying because he wouldn't go again and two when he had put your ass in check
Audrey:Ugh fine but why u call me fo
Kiki:Cause I need you to come get me you left me here with these two fools
Audrey:Aight man I'm on the way
Kiki:Bye ugly bitch
Audrey:Bye silly hoe
10 minutes later 🚨
Kiki:Hey bitch
Kiki:Where we going first
Audrey:I need to go to the mall cause I can't fit none of my clothes anymore
Kiki:Same I feel fat asf
Audrey:You not even showing bruh
Kiki:I know and that's the bad part
Audrey:That's not bad at least you still look skinny
Kiki:Yeah I guess but I have a question
Kiki:Can we please go eat something
Audrey:Yeah you wanna sit down and eat or drive through
Kiki:We can sit down
Audrey:Aight, Applebee's or redlobster?
Kiki:Red Lobster
Audrey:Alrighty then
5 minutes later 😒
Audrey:Kiki wake the fuck up
Kiki:I'm woke damn
Audrey:Aight now come on
Waiter:Welcome and how many are sitting?
Waiter:Okay follow me please
Kiki:I need some biscuits
Waiter:Here y'all go and what can I get y'all to drink ?
Waiter:Okay I'll be back with your drinks shortly
Kiki:So What u been up too?
Audrey :Nun just thinking about how blessed I am *she said rubbing her belly*
Kiki:Aww well I never in life thought that I would be stupid to not wrap it up but I'm still happy I'm having a Little Minnie me
Audrey:Yeah...But where is this lady with my drink?
Kiki:She prolly had to go get it from the factory
Waiter:Here go your drinks ladies ,Are y'all ready to order?
Audrey:No I need more time
*Audrey takes a sip of her drink*
Audrey:This is some strong lemonade
Kiki:Maybe they our real lemons in there
Audrey:Shidd Ion know but I'm thirsty so ima keep cause I'm thirsty
*a couple of sips later*
Audrey:Bruh my stomach hurts
Kiki:You prolly drunk to much lemonade
Audrey:No I didn't ,I feel something coming out
Kiki:Out of what?
Audrey:My pussy*she said whispering
Audrey:Owwww*she cried out in pain*
Kiki:Imma call Tyler
Audrey:Okay*she said on the verge of crying*
Kiki:Hello? Umm Audrey said that something is coming out of her Pussy and she needs your help.Okay ,Alrignt
,Bye.Cmon we gotta get you to the car
Kiki:Here sit down
Audrey:It's falling out*she said sobbing*
Kiki:I see it *she said scared *
Kiki:Why What?
Audrey:Wh-y-y does-ss thi-ss alway-s happen-n to me-e*she said barely breathing
Kiki:I don't know but I got you and your gonna be okay
Tyler:What happened?
Audrey:I-I don't know....
Kiki:All she did was drink some lemonade
Tyler:We need to get her to a hospital!!
*29 minutes later*
Doctor:Well I'm sorry to say this but you have lost the baby..
Tyler:O-Okay is there a way that we can save it....
Doctor:Yeah but unfortunately the baby would be here for five months
*Tyler breaks out in tears*
Kiki:It's gonna be okay bro*she said hugging him*
Greg:bro everything will get better *he said patting his back*
Tyler:Can I see her..
Audrey:Hi babe*she said looking down*
Tyler:It's okay... we got each other
Audrey:I feel horrible,I told you that I couldn't keep a baby...
Tyler:It's not your fault
Audrey:When you stay with the person that kept hurting you then it is your fault
Tyler:no its not so stop saying that
Audrey:You Know that I saw it
Tyler:You did?
Audrey:Yeah it was so small and it was just reaching for me and I couldn't even do anything but watch it
Tyler:I'm sorry,I should've been with you
Audrey:You know I have to get surgery too right?
Audrey:And it's today
Tyler:It's to much happening today
Audrey :Right but I'll be good
Doctor:Ms.Audrey are you ready?
Doctor:Mr can we please have you to exit
Britney:Is everything okay?
Miami:Hi daddy,Where is momma?
Tyler:In the room
Seven:Were you crying?
Tyler:Yeah but it doesn't matter no more
Seven:When can we see momma?
Tyler:I don't kn-
Seven:Hi momma!!!!
Doctor:Step back please
Tyler:Sev and Mimi come back
Audrey:Can I talk to them before I go?*she said with her voice cracking *
Doctor:Sure but hurry
Audrey:Mimi and Sev come here
Miami :What is wrong momma
Audrey:Your sister
Seven:Did she die?
Audrey:Yeah baby but it's gonna be okay
Miami:We kinda already knew momma
Seven:Hush Mi
Doctor:Ms. it's time to go now
Audrey:Oh okay..*she said with tears running down her face
*then they escort her to the back*
Tyler:I can't take this*he said bawling out this eyes *
Kiki:Bruh this is so sad*she said sniffling*
Miami:Is going to be okay dad*she said hugging him*
Seven:Yeah dad we just have to keep our heads up
Tyler:I know
*2 hours later 😬*
Doctor:Can I talk to the family of Audrey?
*they all stood up*
Doctor:She might not make it

Seems like it's a secret being hidden..
Did Audrey get poisoned ?
And I'm sorry for making this chapter sad😬
Do y'all think Audrey will make it?
Will Tyler be able to hold it together??
Find out on the next chapter of "He changed

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