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"WHELP, HERE WE ARE!" Iida declared with a touch of pride, his voice exuding excitement. "I assure you, this café is one of the finest in all of Japan!" He placed his hands on his hips, a self-assured stance. (Y/n) chuckled at his bold statement as they approached the doorstep of the café, the anticipation building within them. The café nestled itself at the corner of a popular shopping strip, its exterior adorned with overgrown vines and lush shrubs. It surpassed (Y/n)'s imagination, a hidden gem she had somehow overlooked until now.

Iida grasped the door, holding it open with a gallant flourish. (Y/n) placed a hand over their heart dramatically, a gesture filled with playful appreciation. "Such a gentleman," she remarked, eliciting a blush from Iida that tinted his cheeks.

The moment (Y/n) stepped into the café, a warm and earthy ambiance enveloped her. Cream-colored walls seamlessly blended with the rich, dark wooden furniture, creating a cozy haven. Delicate houseplants dangled from the ceiling and adorned small pots on tables, infusing the air with a fresh scent. The tantalizing aroma of delectable treats tantalized her taste buds. It felt as though (Y/n) had stepped into a sanctuary of café delights. "Wow! This place is a true feast for the senses," (Y/n) exclaimed, her voice filled with awe, earning a small chuckle from Iida. "I had a feeling you would like it. Let's settle at that back table, where it's quieter and you can focus," Iida suggested. (Y/n) nodded in agreement as the pair made their way to their chosen spot. On the tabletop, a tiny cactus stood proudly, adding a touch of whimsy to the surroundings. Iida's smile widened as he pulled out a chair for (Y/n) and motioned for her to sit. "What a delightful little plant! It reminds me of the ones I keep in my study," he mentioned.

Amused, (Y/n) raised an eyebrow playfully. "You keep plants in your study? How charming!" Iida settled into his seat across from (Y/n), his blush camouflaged by repeated adjustments to his glasses—an endearing nervous habit. "Alright! Let's peruse the menu so we can decide what we want before we delve into our studies," Iida suggested, his enthusiasm evident. However, (Y/n)'s face paled slightly upon glimpsing the prices on the menu. "Are we actually going to eat here? Everything seems quite expensive," she voiced her concern.

Iida admired (Y/n)'s selfless nature, always putting others before themselves. A warm smile graced his lips. "Don't worry, (L/n). Order whatever you desire; it's my treat!"

"Are you sure, Iida? You really don't have to do that," (Y/n) responded softly, her voice carrying a gentle tone that only reached Iida's ears. "I know I don't have to, but I want to," he reassured her. Sensing the need to move forward, he continued, "Decide on what you'd like quickly. Our waiter will be here shortly, and we can begin studying while we wait for the food to arrive."

(Y/n) nodded appreciatively and cast her gaze over the menu. Meanwhile, Iida took a moment to appreciate the person seated in front of him. (Y/n)'s (h/c) hair beautifully complemented her complexion, and her eyes... Iida felt an inexplicable draw towards them. Whenever he entered a room, his eyes instinctively sought out (Y/n)'s, as if he were magnetized by them. He couldn't tell if it was a result of their Siren-like quirk or if he willingly succumbed to the spell she seemed to have cast onto his heart.

Interrupting his thoughts, a waitress approached their table, momentarily snapping Iida back to reality. "Hello, what can I get for you today?" she asked, her long blonde hair highlighting her vibrant violet eyes. The nervous energy she emitted hinted that it might be her first day on the job. Despite that, her genuine kindness shone through. Iida smiled warmly, lowering his menu to make eye contact with the waitress. "I'll have a cup of orange juice, please!" (Y/n) couldn't help but give Iida a deadpan glare. "We came all the way here just for you to order orange juice?" she remarked, raising an eyebrow. Chuckling, Iida responded, "What's wrong with that?" A sudden thought sparked in his mind, causing his eyes to widen. "Wait, are you allergic to orange juice and can't be around it? Why didn't you mention it earlier? I—"

"Iida, calm down! I'm not allergic to orange juice. I just thought you'd want something a bit more substantial than a simple glass of juice," (Y/n) reassured, amusement evident in their voice. "I won't order something unless you do the same. It wouldn't be fair if it's one-sided, now would it?"

Iida let out a hearty chuckle, thoroughly amused. "You've got me there," he admitted. Placing a finger on his chin, he pondered for a brief moment. "Alright! I'll have a glass of orange juice and a cinnamon roll. What would you like, (L/n)?" he inquired, turning his attention to (Y/n) who had been perusing the menu. With a final glance, she looked up at the waitress and placed her order. "I'll have a glass of water and some cheesecake, please!" The waitress smiled warmly. "Alright, I'll take your orders. It will be a few minutes," she informed before moving to another table to attend to their needs. Iida retrieved some books from his backpack, a gleam of determination in his eyes. "No time to waste. Let's get started."

(Y/n) and Iida dove into their study session, occasionally veering off-topic due to (Y/n)'s easily distracted nature. Nevertheless, Iida skillfully guided her back to her studies, ensuring she remained focused. They continued like this until the waitress returned with their orders. "Let's take a break. Our food has arrived," Iida suggested, closing his textbook. (Y/n) nodded, mirroring his actions.

The two teenagers savored their meals in comfortable silence. Far from awkward, the silence felt like a soothing respite, akin to sitting on a fluffy white cloud, detached from the worries of the world. They floated slowly towards the sun, its warmth beckoning them. But just as the realization of the sun's perilous heat dawned on them, (Y/n) choked on their food, their idyllic bubble abruptly bursting. "(L/n)! You're choking! Please, let me assist you!" Iida exclaimed, concern lacing his words. In the end, Iida skillfully dislodged the piece of food from (Y/n)'s throat, prompting an early conclusion to their study session to allow (Y/n) time to recover from her "near-death" experience. No matter how much (Y/n) tried to reassure Iida, he insisted on walking her home, wanting to ensure her well-being. And (Y/n) didn't mind one bit.

Unbeknownst to them, though, a fellow classmate of theirs happened to be present in the same café at the exact same time.

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