Chapter Two: The Date

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You smiled like an idiot all the way back to your house. Sam asked me out. He asked ME out, you thought to yourself. You could not wait to get home and tell Kennadi all about it. She has always been working her ass off trying to find someone for you, and finally you might have a shot at something amazing.

You walked through the front door, and Kennadi must've been cooking because the kitchen was a wreck. "Hello? Is that you (y/n)?", she asked from the other side of the apartment. "Well duh, who else would it be?", you replied jokingly. "Better safe then sorry.", she said back. "Anyways, where have you been? Oh, and thanks for the latte." She grabbed one of the lattes out of your hand and sat down, obviously waiting for your response. "Well, Kennadi, I met a guy today. Actually, I saw him last night at the club and I just so happened to run into him today. He asked me out on a date Saturday and I am so excited." You started blushing just by talking about it. "Ooo what's his name?", Kennadi asked. "Sam, I believe." "SAM?! SAM WINCHESTER?! JUST THE HOTTEST GUY IN TOWN?!!", Kennadi yelled in disbelief. "Woah, Kennadi, lay off. I called dibs and apparently he did too. Don't go messing with him, please." Kennadi gave you a long look, and a smile slowly appeared on her face. "Look at you, getting all protective over him. Good for you, I'm happy that you met him, you two should be good for each other." "Thanks, Kennadi.", you said with a smile on your face.

Saturday seemed like it was so far away. Time went slow, and the anticipation was killing you. You just wanted to see Sam, and you wanted to see why a guy like him would ask a girl like you to meet him at the movie theater. Finally Saturday morning came, you were so nervous but so excited to meet Sam again. You picked out a pair of your favorite ripped skinny jeans, a loose fitting white shirt, and your favorite pair of Vans. You pulled your long, soft hair in a high ponytail and looked in the mirror for a long moment. You're gonna be great, act natural, don't say stupid things. And also, damn do you look good.

You walked out and got into your car, and drove off to the Theater. You sat out front waiting for Sam to show, but there was no sign of him anywhere. You waited and waited, still nothing. 40 minutes had past, and you were feeling let down. You started to walk back to your car when finally you felt a hand on your shoulder. You turned around to see Sam, smiling at you with those cute dimpled cheeks. "Sorry I'm late, I had something important to take care off.", he said. "No, its okay. I understand. Things come up and you need to take care of them, I understand." You stood there for a moment and looked around. "Come with me", Sam said. You looked at him with a confused look. "Aren't we gonna watch a movie or something?", you asked. "Oh, you thought we were staying here? Nah, I just couldn't think of anywhere else to meet up. Movies, they're just not my thing."

You followed Sam around the theater parking lot in search for his car, you wondered what Sam drove. You walked up to his car and stared at it in amazement. "Wow, nice Sam, an Impala.", you said. "Well, its mainly my brothers. Hes out of town right now, doing.. business.. he's stressing out over this dem..." Sam stopped himself in mid sentence, and let out an awkward yet cute laugh. "He's just wrapped up in work and that's all you need to know.", he said. Sam seemed to be a bit weird about the "business" topic. If you didn't know better you'd swear that he was about to say demon. But no, it couldnt be, there are so many other words that he could've been talking about, and demon could not be one of them. You pushed those thoughts aside and got into the car. The seats were soft and comfortable and everything was so clean and neat inside; you made yourself comfortable in the seat and buckled up. "So, where to?", you asked Sam. He looked at you for a long time, with a small smirk on his face. You didn't want him to take his eyes off of you. You enjoyed that he was admiring you, and only you at that moment. Finally you cleared your throat and got Sam's attention. "Uh. Sam? Are you okay?", you asked. You knew everything was okay but the silence became a bit awkward, and you were still curious as to where he was planning on taking you. "What? Uh yeah. I'm fine. I'm sorry, I just.. I just have a lot on my mind right now. And you're so beautiful, I just couldn't take my eyes off of you.", he replied. You blushed and didn't know what to say, so you just smiled at him as a way of responding. "And, we are going ice skating." , Sam quickly added.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2014 ⏰

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