Fairy(Primarina)Female:Depressed so much it's getting annoying, she is actually calm normally though, and gentle.Move set:Hyper Voice, Water Gun, Aqua Jet, and Disarming Voice(Z-Move:Primarium Z)(I'm gonna say she is pan)
Type:Fairy, WaterJohn(Sylveon)Male:Cheerful and a sarcastic child but is so freakin sweet and POWERFUL(toward dragon types)
Moveset:Fairy Wind, Misty Terrain, Moon Blast, and Charm(Z-Move:Something that is Normalium Z)(Probably gay)
Type:FairyAbby(Absol)Female:Jolly gal, very protective
Moveset:Psycho Cut, Slash, Swords Dance, Night Slash
Type:DarkPicky Pecky(Toucannon)Female:Hasty gal, not very lazy will work for sure
Moveset:Flame Charge, Pluck, Brick Break, and Rock Smash(Holds firium Z)(probably straight)
Type:Normal, FlyingPoison(alolan Muk)Female:Sassy little biscuit, pretty strong
Moveset:Venom Drench, Poison Gas, Poison Fang, and Bite
Type:Poison, DarkAnd me/her last alolan Pokémon in her main team is...
Tapu Koko(shiny)No gender(got in the gift thing):Stubborn as freakin crap and barely listens because of its ego, but is actually timid
MoveSet:Nature's Madness, Discharge, Agility, Electro Ball(Probably Polysexual)(holding electrium Z)
Type:Electric, FairyAge:15
Sexuality:Asexual Aromantic
Z-Stones:Normalium Z(carried), Fightinium Z, Waterium Z, Firium Z(carried), Grassium Z, Rockium Z, Electrium Z(carried), Steelium Z, Primarium Z(carried)
Home Region:Alola
Complete Trials:Forgot
Looks:(Best ur gonna get)
Personality:Stubborn but loyal, Cautious, slightest bit emotional,clumsy as crap