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Red and blue merged together to create a vibrant violet that glistened on the morning dew drops that sat quietly upon the grass in the small, suburban neighborhood. Everyone stood in their lawn, most holding a simple coffee cup that had steam rolling off of the lip while they wrapped their fluffy robes tighter around them as they stared across the street. All eyes were on the police cars that sat outside of the Sheppard's home.

"W-Where is she? What happened?" Karol Sheppard asked the police hysterically, tears pouring out of her eyes like waterfalls as she gripped on to the arm of her husband. Her eyes were wide as they flicked around frantically, searching the policeman's face for answers.

"I don't know ma'am, we will find her. I have my men working on it as we speak," He said reassuringly, nodding his head slightly as he turned to walk away from them.

"Where could she have gone... did she run away? What if someone took her? W-what if—"

"Shh... Karol it's alright, I'm sure she is okay. She's out there somewhere." Jonathan Sheppard said, kissing his wife on top of the head as he pulled her into a tight bear hug. I hope...


Emily yawned, stretching her arms high above her head and squeezed her eyes shut. She sat up and viciously rubbed her face in an attempt to wake herself. Looking over to her bedside table, she reached for her phone to check the time.

"9 o'clock on a Saturday..." she murmured, trying to recall what was important about that specific date. "9 o'clock on a Saturday!" She yelled, green eyes brightening as realization her like a truck. She ripped the covers off and sprang out of bed to her closet, well at least she meant to before she ran into the wall right next to it.

"Ow..." she murmured, rubbing her forehead to soothe away the pain, "Maybe I should at least turn on the light..." she said, looking over to her closed window curtains that blocked out the natural light, making her room seem as dark as night. She walked over and quickly flicked on the bright lights before going back to rummage through her closet.

Emily couldn't stop thinking about the weekend before, a large smile spread across her pink lips as she kept replaying the same moment over and over in her head.

Emily and her friends strutted into the high school, heads held high and smiles on their faces- something new for Emily to do since she always kept her head down low and no emotions during the school day. She was the quiet type who only had a few close friends, did what she needed to do, and that was that. She lived every day in her own little bubble, focusing on her own life and no one else's. But, it was her senior year and she wanted to go all out- she deserved to have some fun. Emily wore a dazzling emerald green dress that touched the floor and flowed as she walked. The gorgeous color reflected her eyes that were enhanced with her golden eyeshadow. She walked in her golden heels that matched her necklace, pride and confidence radiating from her with each step as she neared the school. Arms linked together, she walked through the doors and into the dance, looking around at the beautiful decorations that made the gymnasium look like an elegant ballroom. The sound of upbeat music vibrated her soul, making her feel alive.

"Let's go have some fun!" she called to her friends over the music before going on and swaying her hips to the beat of the music.

"You look gorgeous." Emily heard the familiar deep, husky voice which made her crack a small smile.

"Thank you, Carson. You don't look to bad yourself!" she said, turning around to face the brown-haired boy. He gently placed his hands on her hips as he swayed the both of them to the song.

"So I wanted to ask you," he started, blues eyes twinkling as he looked into Emily's. "Are you busy next Saturday? I didn't know if you wanted to go do something, like maybe get a bite to eat and a movie?" Emily swore her heart skipped a beat as she heard his question. She had dreamed of going out with Carson ever since fifth grade when she first met him. They'd always been close friends, but she never knew that he had the same feelings for her and she did him.

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