I understand that for some of you this may be a touchy subject and I apologize for that but for some reason it is inevitable. On the bright side it was this kind of thinking that proved to me that it was possible for us to leave this planet for good and into the future. Are you interested yet? If not keep reading and you may find this all making sense. It didn't at first to me either, until I started looking for the signs myself and then it seemed nothing could prove it wrong. To this day nothing has been able to prove it wrong.
So religion....what about it? Wrong question. You should have asked 'why religion?' Think about it; why the hell is religion a thing. Some believe in reincarnation, some of a Valhalla while others call it a heaven. Well what if I just told you that all of them were true? It seems like all of them have one thing in common. That there is something after death.
This is where the atheists tell me that they do not believe in something after, but there is in fact something that you believe is after death and that is 'nothing'. For others it's life. For some it is unknown.
Maybe you are asking now, well just because they have one thing in common how does that mean that they are all true despite still having so much unalike? Stop looking at the big picture for a moment. Think about what we know to be true. The big bang happened. The universe is forever expanding meaning that there is a chance that every reality could be true. I believe that since it exists because well how else would we be able to think about it? (I believe that it is because it already happened). Whoa hold up, now you are confused I bet. If not then maybe this has started to make sense to you and to you I say 'congratulations, for I have given you the ability to think and be self aware and maybe we could find a way off of this planet.
If you are still lost then bare with me. Please. Because I promise you that it was meant for you to be reading this. Otherwise why would you be? Wow doesn't that sound like a paradox. And that is what I am saying. The universe is ever expanding so I has to be possible that somewhere in the far future that the particles that have been around since the beginning of time(the big bang)-the same particles that create our DNA, our very beings- are bound to reassemble at one point in the future and recreate every single scenario that could have happened with the life that you are currently living. Or it may even have happened already in the past. And those are where we get deja vu moments; because we have made these same decisions in our past incarnations.
The evidence for this can be seen in the movies Star Wars and Interstellar. Some random dude had a thought and boom a movie was made. What? Why? Where is the context? Well listen, maybe they subconsciously know that what I'm saying is true and these movies are clues. Now that I know how to look, every clue that I see I use in my everyday life and so far it has proven to be true. And forever from now I will truly believe that we were meant to evolve and it is this kind of thinking that is going to help us do that.Author's note: For those who are beginning to understand the possibilities I am talking to you in particular, understand that I am someone at the moment who has no college experience and so these thoughts are of someone who has found that it is truly about where you let your mind take you that counts. I'm only saying this because imagine if someone who does have college experience has access to this level of thinking. Or someone who has more knowledge of that of someone in college. Maybe I wasn't supposed to get us off of this planet. But maybe I was supposed to be the one who got us started. And now you are supposed to be the ones that make it a reality.
I guess what I'm saying is that just because everything that could have happened has in fact happened already, doesn't mean that we can't change what's possible even more. You are in control of the future. As long as you keep moving forward. Almost like the guy who made the movie "Meet The Robinsons" had actually made that movie for a fucking reason right? This whole time the meaning of life was to Keep Moving Forward, because according to the universe, there is always something beyond the horizon.How about you? Will you keep this knowledge from the masses? Or are you willing to take that leap of faith into the future?
History is destined to repeat itself. It is the way of the universe and it is how things currently go. If you look throughout history every great empire or nation had risen to power and had fallen to the same common foe, complacency. Examples would be the Greeks under Alexander the great. His empire spread to wide and hard to maintain, therefore easy to conquer. The greatest empire in history fell to barbarians. Rome had ruled for centuries before being displaced by gauls(look it up). It is bound to happen to every great nation unless self awareness and outer thinking leads us to a different path that doesn't lead to destruction.
The Story Of The Universe: Intro
CasualeEver wonder why XXXTentacion named his child Gekyume? Or even why XXXTentacion existed in the first place? Or even why you existed in the first place? At this specific point in time, at this specific place in the universe you are existing. Why? I've...