Ch.5 - Hybrids

15 4 0

• Hybrid Au •
Characters used : OCs
Writers Block time: 2-3 Weeks
Editted : Kind of (looked over)


Chase sighed into the palm of her hand. She was positively bored out of her mind in her small, cramped up desk. She hated it. The brunette rolled her pencil in her hand as she finished some of the paperwork her company had assigned her, more so it seems now as busy work. Boring, boring, and more boring.

She was a receptionist and partially an assistant at some large company she actually kept forgetting the name of, though, she believed that it were something along the lines of H&M but at this point she honestly didn't even care. Well, she hoped it was H&M, because that's how she's been answering the phone...

Chase sat back up and tried to seem determined to work, because she honestly was just regretting staying up late from searching up stuff about hybrids again. The girl loved hybrids. Her parents not so much, always settling for dogs and cats who were fully animal, nothing against them though they were cuties too. Thankfully, she recently was out of college, with a degree that held multiple opportunities for her.

    She didn't realize she was doodling hybrids on a piece of paper next to her till one of her coworkers poked her to get her attention. She turned her head to meet their eyes, while her's were accidentally fairly cold looking.

   "Come on, just a few more hours then we're free Cheese." CJ, a close friend of hers in the same situation, stated with a semi-happy smile. The boy had gotten a video or game related degree, she struggled to also remember the name of every time for no reason.

She only smirked, "Boi, you know da-" she realized where she was and panicked a little "-ng well you can't slide that customer service smile past me! Come on, gimme a real one."
He laughed as she assaulted him briefly with an entourage of pokes in his direction. Chase shook her head and sat back in her seat, her over the top work uniform making her uncomfortable. She didn't really feel the need to be "obnoxious" and fiddle with it though.

CJ and her had actually been in quite a similar situation to her, so, both of the then good friends became best friends by deciding to get a job together as receptionists at the large building. It worked, helping pay off bills for both of their apartments while they wait for job interviews separately.

Chase's eyes scanned her computer screen as a new email popped up on her side bar. She internally groaned at the very presence of it. It's not that she hated work, she just hated her work. Correction, she disliked it heavily instead. 'Don't use hate for minuscule projects, Stonebridge,' her mind rang to herself in a scolding tone. Deciding it was better to get to work than lose her job today, she sat up and straightened her posture, clicking the email and filling in the correct information for the response towards it.

"What's a 'Tonkinese', 'Maine Coon,' and a 'Rag Doll?'"

"Huh? Wait, what? Why do you ask?-" Chase made eye contact with her doodle pages being held up to CJ's eyes by ones of his hands. "Hey! Gimme that!-"


"They're cat breeds for your information!" Chase added on with a little dramatic 'hmph!' But CJ only sighed and looked back at the information he was clicking at on his computer.

"Really? You're still drawing hybrids? When will you ever get one? You've been wanting one for months." He turned his head to look her in the eyes. His eyebrows raised a little to match his dead panned look.

Chase cheeks became dusted a light pink color, "You know how my parents would react to me getting one, they see hybrids as creatures not meant to exist." She sighed out in disappointment, resting her head in her palm as she directed a few calls from one floor to another floor. "But, that's okay. I probably wouldn't be able to take care of a hybrid to its fullest needs anyways. I'll get along just fine without one! Besides, drawing them is just fine as well." She smiled towards her kind friend, to whom only frowned deeper in response and hummed. He turned back towards his computer and got back to work with full attention.

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