Chapter 1: Apprenticeship

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I pressed back into the hay in the loft above the stables.

"Mazin!" called my uncle. "Mazin, where are you?"

With a sigh, I crawled to the edge. "Yeah?"

"There you are, boy. Did you finish your chores?"

I nodded.

"Good, come meet me in the kitchen. I have some things you need to help me with."


He took a deep breath and went back outside. I crawled across the loft to the small door and cracked it open. My uncle was standing with Morgan talking before they both went back to the house. I closed the door and flicked the latch into place. Flopping into the hay, I let out a sigh. I already had a good idea what he wanted and it was going to end in another argument.

Rolling to the ladder, I climbed down and dusted myself off. The horses moved around in their stalls and some whinnied at me.

"Knock it off. I already fed you." Walking outside, I ran my hand through my hair to get the pieces of hay out. I went to the back door and my mother was waiting for me.

"Mazin." She shook her head and started brushing off the hay. "You were in the loft again, right?"

Bowing my head, I shrugged. "I was feeding the horses. Some of it got on me."

She eyed me. "Mazin." My mother grabbed my hands and took a deep breath. "Your uncle isn't going to you continue like this. You're twenty. You're an adult and he's ready for you to start helping him outside the home."

I nodded. "I'm fine with making deliveries."

She sighed. "You know what he wants." Smiling, my mother clasped my cheek. "And I know you're capable of being a captain one day. I pray to Lord Merrik to bless you every day."

I glanced out the window. She knew how I felt about being out on the sea.

"Mazin," said my uncle from his office. "Mazin, are you in there?"

My mother did one last check of my appearance and then stepped out of the way. I walked down the hall and entered the room. My uncle was seated behind his desk.

"Close the door."

I did so and went to the seat in front of him.

With a forced smile, he clasped his hands in front of him on the desk. "One of my ships just docked and the captain has agreed to take you on as an apprentice."

Staring at the corner, I kept my lips pressed together.

"Mazin?" Shaking his head, he shifted in his chair. "You can't continue as a stable and delivery boy. Your father was one of the best seamen I know."

"And he's dead," I replied.

My uncle sat up straight. "The gods fighting caused the sea to become treacherous. It was an accident that no one could have seen coming." He pointed at me. "This will be a good opportunity for you."

"No thank you." I stood.

My uncle rose to his feet. "I'm no longer asking, Mazin. Morgan is two years younger and he's already well on his way to becoming a captain."

"Good for him." I shrugged. "He's the one that going to be taking over the company."

He clenched his jaw. "I'm not going to continue to let you live in my house and do nothing."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2019 ⏰

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