Back to the Present

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I was underwater but located near our
Dad's house. Swimming around until I hear someone swimming really fast behind me then being lifted up and landed on the edge of the bridge.

"You idiot! You scared me!" I yelled, punching his arm. Arthur just laughs at me.


"I see that things never changed." Dad approaches us.

"Come on, I'll treat you guys for breakfast." Dad hugs us back, leading us to the truck.



Dad and Arthur have a beer chugging challenge, with me here with a pile of chicken strips, fries and a pile of ketchup happily munching away.

How Dad always wins the beer chugging challenge always amuses me. I always thought Arthur would win.

Guess not.

I glared at Arthur and Dad when they stole some of my fries and chicken strips.

"Mine!" I kept my glare at them moving my food away from their reach.

Arthur and Dad chuckled at their little sister, daughter of her way of liking her food.

"Aquaman has saved the day." The tv news reporter says showing the boat in the right-hand corner of the tv screen.

Dad looked at Arthur, one eyebrow raised. "I had nothing to do with it." Arthur casually lies, taking a sip of his beer.

I shove enough fries in my mouth that I wouldn't answer any Dad's questions about Arthur.

"She believed you both will be the one to reunite the two worlds."

Silence filled between the three of us. Dad watching tv, Arthur drinking his beer, and I'm still eating my unlimited fries. I can eat so much because of my fast metabolism.

A random biker decides to harshly bump to Arthur's back causing him to spill some beer on himself.

"You that fish boy from the tv?" One of the bikers says.

I snickered because come on it's funny! I covered it with a cough after glancing to my right to see Arthur glaring at me.

Arthur glances at Dad and me with a "should I beat them up?" look. But we just gave a shrug as our answer.

Arthur sighs and gets up. " It's fish man. What do you want?" Arthur sarcastically smiles.

"Umm....well actually can we take a picture with you and your sister if it's no problem.?" The biker happily asks with the other bikers around him smiling. "You guys are our local heroes!"

" Alright...." Arthur gives up knowing that it would be rude to reject them.

Arthur and I took some normal pictures with them till it got a little crazy after a few more pictures. Arthur flipped someone, no idea if it was an accident or he's just hella drunk, over the counter. Whatever...

-An hour or two later-

I opened the door for Arthur and are now drunk Dad to the car. I climb to the trunk of the truck since there is no backseat and plus I know I'm small but I don't wanna be squish between my brother and Dad. The plus side of sitting on the trunk area is that I get to look up at the stars.

I sat there for a few moments, admiring the shiny bright stars and the sound of the waves. Until, I hear some lady talking to Arthur. I break my eye contact from the stars to the scene in front of me.

This is definitely not the kind of lady you'll see around this neighborhood no. She came from Atlantis.

Well, with how she dresses made it also obvious that she's not from around here...

With her randomly appearing, I'm assuming she's asking us for something very important. No one from Atlantis will ever visit us, half-breed. I let Arthur do the talking for both of us. The lady glancing from Arthur to me every few seconds. Desperation and hopelessness shows on her facial expressions.

We start going home, Arthur driving, Dad taking a nap, and myself looking back up at the stars. I let the sounds of waves splashing against the rocks relax my mind and body. Sleepiness slowly overtakes my body.

The sounds of many birds above us woke me up. My body goes into alert mode seeing not only five birds, but at least twenty or more birds going the same direction.

"Umm.....sis. U might want to look to your left!" Arthur said in worry.

I sat up, looking to my left my eyes wide seeing the ocean making HUGE waves, destroying many ships.

"Hold on!" Arthur shouted behind him.

I quickly grab to the side of the truck, feeling the car speed quickly. The ocean has reached the truck, flipping it over.

I swam around shoving pieces of destroyed things away, trying to find Dad and Arthur. I glanced at some light crystal blue dome to my right, approaching the dome in curiosity.

I look at the lady in shock to be the one who is making this type of power. I ran to Arthur who got Dad out of the truck.

"He's not breathing!" Arthur does CPR on him.

"Move let me help." The lady approached us than her powers extracts water out of Dad's lungs.

"Thank u"

"You know we don't even know your name."

"It's Princess Y'Mera Xebella Challa." Umm, what? "You may call me Mera." Okay, now that's easier.

All four of us got up to see our now small town destroyed. Water flooding everywhere. Destroyed ships evading land. Garbage evading the beach.

"This was Orm's doing. The worst is yet to come."

I will be updating whenever I can. I promise. I'm currently a senior in high school who have only 2 months to get her grades up. So it's been hectic.

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