cold hands

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✨chapter nine✨

"I'm glad you called me, Grayson." Emma said as she entered the Dolan twins kitchen, flinging her jacket on a random chair, almost like she lived there.

"Well, he kept asking for you." Grayson said, twirling his car keys in his hands. "I'm heading to Starbucks, want anything?"

Emma shook her head, saying goodbye to him before walking down the hallway to find her boyfriend tucked away his bed.

"Ethan." She sighed, resting a hand on his forehead. She immediately felt her hand burn.

"Baby." He whispered, his voice raspy, taking ahold of her hand and giving it a squeeze. Emma felt how cold his hands were in hers.

Her heart melted.

"You have a fever?" She asked, sitting on the bed and gently leaning into him.

"Your so pretty." He responded, his eyes falling in and out of sleep.

Emma cocked her head.

"I'm gonna take that as a yes." She said sarcastically, rolling her eyes at her boyfriend.

She snuggled into him more, his eyes fell heavy and she felt his arms sink around her waste for a moment, the two shared a moment of silence before Emma came back to reality.

"I'm really worried about you." She said, resting her hand on his forehead. "Your pretty hot."

"I know I am." He smirked. Emma rolled her eyes at his comment.

"And delusional." She muttered, on her way to the bathroom.

She rung a rag under cold water and softly pressed it to his forehead, pressing a kiss to his cheek, smiling at the adorable boy next to her.

"I need to run to the store and get you some things."

He nodded. Letting his eyes close slowly. Muttering out an "I love you." As he drifted off.

"I love you too. I'll be back. Grayson is here if you need anything." She replied, before patting out of the room.

Emma returned with a bottle of Gatorade, a thermometer, some cold medicine an iced coffee and sat down next to him.

He smiled up at her, muttering out how pretty she was for the second time. Emma blushed.

"Here, baby. Drink." She handed him the bottle of Gatorade and then slipped a tea spoon of medicine in his mouth. She took the rag, setting it in the sink and pressed a kiss to his still warm forehead.

"I love you, Emma." He muttered, still sleepy and under the influence of the high fever.

Emma chuckled, climbing into bed with him and tucking herself into the covers.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" She asked.

"Yeah." He responded. "You pick."

Emma selected the office before snuggling closer with him. He rested a arm around her waist and she cuddled into him more.

"What if I get you sick?" He asked.

"Then we can just be sick together."

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