Chapter 16

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Ella's POV

I stare as Louis walks away, shocked. What the hell is wrong with him?! 

"Holy shit, Ella. What is wrong with him?" Stacey says beside me, her mouth open in shock.

"I-I don't know..." I say, my heart pounding in my chest. I look down at Keith and sigh. Holding my hand out along with Stacey, we help him stand. I look up at him. "You did deserve what was coming to you, Keith. Leave Louis alone from now on or else I won't stop him next time."

Keith nods, limping away from Stacey and I. I sigh, looking to Stacey. "I have to go find Louis."

Waving to her, I set off in the direction Louis had left in. I shove my hands in my pockets, a little nervous for some reason. Hearing some noises in the boy's restroom, I walk over and stand by the entrance.

"Louis?" I call out. No answer, but I hear someone sigh. Looking around, I open the door quickly and walk inside. I turn around, seeing him with his head in his hands, leaning against the counter. "Lou..."

He looks up at me, surprised. "Ella, babe. G-Go outside, p-please." 

"I'm not going to leave, Louis. We need to talk." I say, walking over to him. "What's wrong?" 

He sighs, looking down. "So much, babe. So much is wrong." 

"Tell me, Lou." I smile softly, caressing his cheek. "I won't judge you."

He sighs once more, taking a deep breath. "O-Okay. Well, a few weeks ago, some guy came up to me and tried to sell me weed. He then made a deal with me that he would let me try it first, for free. So, I thought it would be cool to try some. I took it home with me, and right as I walked into my house it fell out of my jacket. My mum started to go ape shit crazy and.. and I blamed it on you. I told her I was keeping it for you because your brother didn't want you having it. She believed me, and I haven't told her the truth since. That isn't all, though. I started to want more and more of what the guy was selling and now I can't seem to stop buying the stuff. Ella, I'm so fucked. I-I'm so fucking sorry, and if you don't forgive me I understand completely. I just... I'm sorry."

I stand there in shock, hurt slightly that he would blame something like that on me. Yes, I do smoke that stuff, but still he shouldn't blame it on me. "Does your mum not want us together or something as a result of telling her that the weed was mine?" 

"That's spot on." He mumbles. 

I sigh, grabbing his hands. Looking up into his eyes, I smile softly. "I forgive you, babe, but this drug problem has to stop. I'll help you through it, okay? I'll always be by your side. I love you."

He smiles, pulling me closer to him. "What would I do without you?"

"Still be a virgin and look like a nerd." I tease, smiling. He pouts playfully and I giggle.

We both jump as we hear the door open to the restroom, and some random kid walks in and freezes. Watching him with wide eyes, he slowly backs out of the restroom. I look back to Louis and laugh my ass off, tears forming in my eyes.


"Ugh, fuck being a girl." I hear Stacey say, and I laugh. 

"You know you don't have to have a matching outfit to watch a football match? You can just wear a t-shirt and shorts." Louis huffs, annoyed because we've been at the mall for the past hour and we have to leave soon to go watch the Doncaster Rovers play against the Wolverhampton Wanderers. 

"Fine, jeez." She huffs, grabbing a cute pair of jean shorts in her size, and a Doncaster Rovers jersey. She walks over to the cashier and pays for both items. "Whoo! I get to be the third wheel."

"If it makes you feel better, I will pretend Louis is my best gay friend." I offer, laughing as Louis gasps.

"You did not say that, honey. Nuh-uh." Louis says in a mock gay voice. Stace and I bust out laughing.

"You're a dork." I smirk, slipping my hand into his as he smiles cheekily down at me.

"But I'm your dork." He winks. 

We walk out of the mall and to Louis' car, getting inside quickly. Driving off towards the stadium, I sing along to the radio softly.

I get by in a world with no conscience

By shutting it out and being anonymous

And the problem is you’re just like me...

"Ella? Babe, we're here." Louis says, snapping me out of it. I smile, getting out and following him and Stace inside.

When we finally got to our seats, I sigh in content. Finally, we get to just chill without something going wrong. To be honest, though, I've been nervous as hell. Next week is when I have to go to San Carlos' place and I feel unprepared, even though I'm the most prepared one there. I just have to relax. I'm getting too worked up. 

I smile as the team runs out onto the field and I cheer along with Louis. We all get sucked into the match as it starts. I can't seem to look away from the field, that is until I notice Stacey is distracted by something. Or should I say someone. 

"Who are you staring at?" I whisper to her, smirking. She blushes like crazy.

"No one!" She says, lying. I narrow my eyes at her.

"Don't lie to me! I'm your best friend!" I huff, pouting. 

"Fine, fine. There's a really cute guy down there, and I'm trying to catch his attention. He's sitting alone." She says, shyly. I look over to where she is pointing, and I notice a boy who has longer hair sitting alone a few rows away from us. I smirk.

"If you'll excuse me for a second." I say, getting up and walking over to the boy. 

I smile, sitting next to him. His eyes are wide and innocent and I chuckle, immediately reminded of Louis before his whole "change" thing happened. Biting my lip, I decide to introduce myself.

"I'm Ella, and I noticed you were sitting alone. Any specific reason as to why that is?" I ask.

He smiles,"I just like to come and support Wolverhampton at their games. I'm just hear to chill. Oh! I'm Liam, by the way."

"Well, it's nice to meet you, but I want to tell you the main reason I came down here. You see, my friend up there thinks you're really cute and wants to know if you'll come sit with us." I explain, pointing to Stacey. Her eyes widen as I point, and I smirk looking at Louis who is still focused on the game. Laughing a little, I look at Liam as he looks at Stacey and smiles. 

"Sure, I'll come sit with you guys." He says, getting up the same time as I do. We walk over to Louis and Stacey, and I smirk. 

"Louis, Stacey. This is Liam. Liam, this is my boyfriend, Louis and my best friend, Stacey." I introduce with a smile. Louis finally looks away from the game and smiles at Liam.

"Nice to meet ya." Louis greets, pulling me down to sit with him. I chuckle, cuddling into his side. I tune out Stacey and Liam talking to each other, not wanting to intrude on their little "date", as I would like to call it.

At half time, I offer to go get drinks and food. Smiling, Stacey gladly accepts to tag along with me. We start walk over to grab some food first, but she stops me and smiles wide.

"You're the most amazing best friend a person could ever have. I swear." She squeals.

"What did I do?" I ask, confused.

"You got Liam to sit with us and we have a shit ton in common! This could actually happen between him and I, then I won't have to be the third wheel anymore!" I laugh at her response, my eyes widening as I see someone who looks super shady. Grabbing Stacey's arm, I pull her away from where we are out in the open and text Louis really quick.

Me: There's a super shady looking guy here, be on the look out. Black coat, jeans, black hat, shades, and his hand is shoved in his pocket. Don't leave alone, and please tell Liam so he can be safe too. 

"What're we going to do?!" Stacey whispers. 

"I'm going to go up to him, that's what I'm going to do." 

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