In The Begining

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My mind was ringing, everything around me was dim, silent. My head was pounding as if someone had bashed me with a steel club. Due to my immense battlefield experience, I could tell I had sustained a Grade 2 concussion, less serious than a grade three, but more than enough to put weaker guys in bed with migraines for a week. A mortar shell had landed in front of the Baffle I had been riding into combat on, flipping it upside down and tossing me from it. As I recovered from the shock,I noticed flames had engulfed the cockpit. Next second,there was a man screaming from the inside.

"NO HOLD ON!",I shouted as I began to kick at the glass.

I could put small cracks in it, but my little boot amounted to little against glass designed to stop bullets.

"Mason",Dakarai said as his baffle puled up beside me.

Dakarai was the Major of the local military, which was aiding my unit, Task Force Raven, in locating our missing friend Wyatt Clark. Dakarai was a near seven foot tall, monster of a man. He was black with brown hair and green eyes, a weird combination, but I thought it worked on hm. He was dressed in African military fatigues with a leather holster that contained a Colt Python and six extra rounds. He had a gold cross necklace hanging around his neck and a gold watch clasped around his wrist. In the short time I had known him, he had come to me as a very wise, trustworthy man and a true leader

"Dakarai you gotta help!",I shouted.

I was looking around for something I could use to brake the glass when I noticed a shovel laying beside me. I reached over, grabbed it and began smashing it into the glass

"Brake dammit!",I shouted.

It didn't brake in time, I watched as the man trapped inside baffle burned to death.

"The fire finished him",Dakarai said kneeling beside me,"sometimes it's to late to save a man,we must move out before we join him in death."

He held out his hand and I grabbed it,using him to pull myself up. One of his men ran up to him and handed him a huge grenade launcher.

"The mortar fire means the MPLA is readying for attack",Dakarai said,"if they want a fight,we'll give them a fight move out!"

I followed behind Dakarai as Hudson and Emelia flew over us and Emelia got onto the com line.

"John",she called,"massive amount of MPLA soldiers massing about a half a click north of your current position."

Emelia was around 21 or so, I wasn't really sure. Believe it or not, she was a dragon. We had found her a few weeks ago at a traveling circus in Iraq that had been the target of an Al-Queda attack, probably because of her. She was about six feet tall and about twenty feet long with wings that were about 120 feet in length. Her eyes were a bright blue while her sliver and blue scales mixed perfectly with them. She had a real sweet personality and to us, it didn't matter that she was a dragon, we loved her all the same. Emelia carried a vest that had a .308 Dillion Areo minigun strapped to it, and she knew how to use it, I shit you not when I say she can snap a pencil at seven tenths of a mile. Her secondary weapon was a Sacco Defense M249 SAW, and she was just as good with it as she was with her Dillion.

"Yeah we know!",I called back,"Dakarai's leading a counter charge."

"Man's brave",Emelia said,"I'll give him that,any word on Wyatt's location?"

"No not yet",I said as I climbed on to another baffle with Darkarai,"Darkarai expects his men to report back soon."

The baffle began to move forward into the canyon between the mountains. The mortar's were falling like a rain, and all of a sudden,they stopped. That scared me.

A Dragon's Tale #Watty's2015Where stories live. Discover now