Chapter 8 The First Month

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(Here is what you all have been waiting for my lovelys also.)

Usagi's POV:

Its been just a month since we found out Misaki's pregnant. We haven't decided on names yet because we both agreed on when we find out the gender of baby or babies, we'll both agree on a name that fits him or her or both.

"Chibi-tan! How's it going?" Isaka-san asked.

I really want him out of our apartment right now. He gets on my nerves a whole lot. I rather deal with that idoit at work then him coming over here and talk about work.

"Isaka-san... Please let go of me" Misaki asked politely, looking very uncomfortable.

I glare at Isaka, knowing that I don't want anyone to touch my Misaki. While glaring at the idoit, I feel a tap on my shoulder. It was Aikawa.

"Baka Usami-sensei! Less glaring and more working!" She yells at me.

"Yes, yes, I know" I replied to her as I sighed to myself, and proceed to do my next novel.

Isaka, finally let's go of my pregnant mate comes over to me, just seeing on how the manuscript is coming along. Why do I surround myself with idoits?

"Would anyone like coffee or tea?"

"No thanks, I have my Starbucks Frappuccino." Aikawa reponds.

"I'll have some coffee, with creamer, please? Chibi-tan!" Isaka asks.

Misaki making Isaka's coffee, but suddenly rushed to the bathroom. I walk up to Misaki, patting his back.

"Usa- I mean Akihiko, I'm fine, it's just the pregnancy symptoms. Just go do your work." He said with a weak smile.

"Misaki, you can always call me Usagi or Akihiko, you know?"

"But... You're my lover, and we're gonna be married, I just think it makes sense to call you by your first name."

I smile at him. I wipe the bit vomit off his face, giving a small peck on the cheek. Misaki is so nice, that I feel like he should be nice only to me and nobody else... But our child is an acceptance of course.

"Misaki, why don't you go lay down. I'll give Isaka-san his coffee" I asked

"N-no way! The last time you poured coffee, you poured it into a glass cup and not a coffee mug baka!" Misaki stated.

I forgot that happened. I only remember Misaki licking my injured finger. God it was so hot!

"Oi! Misaki-kun! Are you ok?" Aikawa asked worriedly.

"Yes, I'm fine, it's just the pregnancy symptoms is a-" Misaki paused, realizing what he said. He covered his mouth so that nothing else gets spoiled to her and Isaka.

"Pregnant?" Aikawa asked in shocked

Oh great... She's gonna go all fangirl on us again. I hate this side of her.

"Oh my goodness! Congratulations Usami-sensei and Misaki-kun!" She yelled excitedly like a fangirl.

"What's going on?" Isaka asked

"Misaki is pregnant! And Usami-sensei is the baby daddy!" Aikawa replied, still in fangirl mode.

They are so damn noisy. I better just focus on Misaki, then do my work. If those two just leave us for a few minutes or more.

"Misaki, I'm taking to bed, you need to get some rest. Afterall, you'll have to on bed rest for awhile." I told him.

"But I-"

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