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England huffed, wrapping gauze around America's wounded arm. Ever since World War Two started, the American was jumping into all kinds of battles, not even giving the slightest thought about whether he'll get hurt or not.

"America, you can't keep on doing this…"

America gave England a confused look, "Eh? Stop what, dude?"

England scoffed at the oblivious American, "Stop running out there like a reckless ruffian!" he scolded. America looked even more confused now, "What do you mean about that, Iggy?? Don't you want to get rid of those Nazis???" he asked.

Britain sighed heavily, "I want to DEFEAT the Axis Powers as much as you want do, America…but you cannot just run out there without thinking about yourself! As much as I hate to say it, but YOU are the strongest Allied Power-besides Russia. We cannot afford to lose you…"

There was silence for a moment, then America suddenly spoke,

"Why do you still care so much for me, dude? I'm independent from you, I don't need your care!"

England was caught by surprise with America's words, and even more surprised when he saw how serious the American's face became. The Brit then frowned a little, causing more silence between the two.

"I can't help it…," America looked at Britain, confusion in his expression again. England avoided the American's gaze, "I am fully aware that you are not part of my country anymore…but I can't help but worry over you…especially since you keep recklessly jumping into battles..."

There was even more silence, then England suddenly heard America's voice,

"…Thanks for still worrying about me, Iggy…"

England suddenly felt lips kiss his forehead, and his eyes instantly went wide in shock. His instincts reacted faster than his mind, and his arm whipped around, his fist hitting America square in the face. America instantly flinched away, his hand holding his face,

"OWWWW! Iggy what the hell was that?!"

England's face was flushed red, "No, I should be asking that question!! WHAT THE BLOODY HELL DID YOU JUST DO?!?!?!"

"I was just thanking you for still worrying about me, dammit!!"

England forced himself to not punch the American again, "You think that was a thank you?! YOU KISSED ME ON THE BLOODY FOREHEAD!!!"

America paused for a moment, then he sighed, avoiding the Englishman's furious gaze. England waited for an answer, growing more awkward than angry as silence grew between the two again. America eventually realized how much he was blushing, and saw how red England's face was. America cleared his throat awkwardly and stood up, "Heheh…dude, just…pretend that never happened, 'kay…?" he asked, turning and beginning to leave.

Suddenly, he felt a hand grab his wrist, and he looked to see Britain. The Englishman leaned up and America felt his lips peck his forehead before quickly stepping back. America saw England's face become even redder, "……You're welcome…," he said before quickly walking out. America stood there, blushing like an idiot and his mouth gaped. He then sighed, closing his eyes and rubbing the back of his head, muttering to himself.

"I love you, England…but I doubt I can really tell you…"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2014 ⏰

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