Chapter One: Happy Birthday Twins!

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It was a Happy April 1st morning. Molly Weasley got out of her bed early to prepare for her Twins' Birthday named Fred and George Weasley. She started to cook for their little celebration and started preparing her presents for the twins and after that she baked a cake for them.

Meanwhile in the twins' bedroom they didn't know that they're going to have a early morning celebration so they're still lying on their bed Fred was woken up by the light of the sun that's surpassing into their window because he's such a light sleeper. While George doesn't care in the light at all he's still sleeping with his mouth open, Fred got up in his bed and he saw George and he tried to woke him up but nothing happened until he decided to splash him a bucket full of water as his birthday prank for his twin. He go to their bathroom filled up a bucket with water then he returned to their room and he splashed the water into George's body and he successfully awaken him up

"Bloody hell! What was that?" George yelled and he saw Fred standing in front of him face was red because of laughter

"Hey Good Morning my twin happy birthday, now would you mind if you can get up now and start celebrating our birthday?" Fred said

"Fine, Morning" George said and he rolled his eyes

Then Fred proceeded to their bathroom and take a bath minutes after he's now finish and it's George's turn he proceeded to their bathroom as well. While George is taking a bath Fred decided to pick up some clothes for them to wear, obviously they're always matching their clothes and he found them, then he layed the clothes into his bed then he started to take off his bath towel leaving him completely naked then George got out of the bathroom and he saw Fred's ass but he didn't speak he just stare at them until Fred saw him and he turned around he doesn't care if George's going to see his private parts. Then George his face went completely red after he saw Fred's penis.

"Like what you see George?" Fred said with a smirk on his face

"I-I-I don-don't know?" George said in stutter, still looking at his twins' penis

(how does he had that long penis for a fourteen year old boy? I think that's 8 inch long and mine is 7 inch? ) George said in his mind

"George what the hell, can you please pick up your clothes now and stop looking at my penis!" Fred said irritatably.

"Yeah sure" George said

Then George walked into Fred's bed to pick up the clothes he prepared then Fred is in his clothes now.

"Hey let's go downstairs they might be waiting for us" Fred said

"You go first, I'll come down a bit" George said

"Why, do you have a problem?" Fred said

"No, I'll just come down a bit okay?" George said

Then Fred nodded before he leave the room he walk towards George and he grabbed his waist and he pulled closer to him causing their genitals to touch a bit through their pants, then Fred kissed George's forehead and he said

"Happy Birthday to us Georgie, yes I don't say this alot but I just want you to know" Fred said

"W-what?" George said

"I love you so much, I hope you know" Fred said while looking into his twins hazel brown eyes

"I love you too" George said

Then he wrapped his arms around Fred's neck and Fred wrapped his arms in George's waist. After that George pulled out because he felt something's wrong then Fred headed down into their kitchen then his family is waiting for them into their kitchen they all sat down.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2023 ⏰

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