The Decision

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I watched a fan edit on Twitter a few days ago that was comparing Bradley and Gaga's relationship to to plot of Taylor Swift's Wildest Dreams music video and it inspired me to start a new.. darker story... I dunno if people will like this but I'm gonna try 😂 let me know if you see any mistakes!


Bradley ran his fingers through his hair pulling on the ends in frustration trying to make a decision. After the Oscars rumors had ran rampant about Him and Lady Gaga.. Stefani. And they were all true, everyone knew it. Irina had been livid, and rightfully so. She had given him an ultimatum, leave Stefani forever, never see her again and Marry her. Or never see Lea again.

This was the hardest decision of his life. But as much as he loved Stefani he couldn't leave his little girl. He looked down at his phone, opening the text he'd received from her the day before,


It read,

"please call me, or text me. We need to talk.. in person."

With shaking hands he sent her a text back

"Can I come over?"


Stefani closed the toilet bowl, defeated. She had been unable to stop throwing up for weeks now. Her sickness was running rampant and held full control over her life, it did not come to her only in the morning like most normal pregnancies, but continued throughout the whole day. She'd been thrown off by it for weeks, unable to keep a normal routine or schedule. She really needed to tell Bradley.

When she had found out she was pregnant a few days before the Oscars she had been so worried. What were they going to do? She knew he loved her but he already had a family and it was going to be such a big scandal if they had this baby. What was everyone going to say? What was he going to say? He hadn't responded to any of her calls and messages for two days and she didn't know what she had done wrong.

Groaning she looked down at her phone and her heart stuttered; he had finally texted her. Opening the message she frowned. There was no explanation only four words.

"Can I come over."

She knew that they shouldn't feel her with dread but she couldn't help but feel that this wasn't going to end well. But she had to try. He deserved to know. Replying to the cryptic message she let him know that it was okay to come over any time and went to wait in the living room, hoping her stomach would not be too queasy.

An hour later she heard the doorbell ring, she knew it was Bradley and the fact that he rang the bell Instead of using his key was not a good sign. She nervously made her way to the door and opened it.


She said observing his disheveled look like he hadn't slept in days.

"Are you okay?"

She questioned softly.

"I'm fine."

He said gruffly back. Entering her house he stood in the entryway, stiff in posture.

"We need to talk."

"I know."

She agreed,

"I've been trying to reach you for days.. Bradley, there's something I need to tell you."

"Let me go first."

He said.


She responded to his request quietly. Leaning against the wall she wrapped her arms around herself watching as he ran his hands through his already messy hair and sighed.


He paused with a pained look on his face.

"This.. Us.. we are over. I can't do this anymore. No more living a double life. It was fun while it lasted but I need to concentrate on my family now."

She felt her heart sink all the way to the floor and her eyes start to well up. She'd known that it wasn't going to be good with how his demeanor had been when she opened the door but she hadn't even thought about this. Hadn't thought about the possibility that he would walk out of her life for good, before she could even tell him. As the tears started to fall down her face she wiped them away. Of course he was going to leave. He had a beautiful girlfriend and a gorgeous daughter who needed him. He already had a family. She was just the homewrecker whore that he used to pass the time until he got bored.

"Get out."

Was all she said.

"Stef... we can.. we can still be friends."

He tried to move closer to her.

"No, Bradley. Please leave. Please."

She said, her voice cracking.

Watching as his shoulders heaved out one last sigh before he turned and walked out of the door, out of her life forever she fell to the ground. As the sobs racked her body she wrapped her arms around her belly, where the tiniest little bump had begun to form and cried into the cold and empty night.

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