The Doctors Visit

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Hi! Sorry I've been MIA, I've been a little distracted by my family and wasn't feeling very inspired but here we are! I was gonna try and make it longer but it felt right to end it here for now. I'm heading out on vacation tomorrow (I have to be up at 3 am to catch my 5 am flight) but I'm gonna try and update on my trip. If not I'll have something by the weekend! As always let me know what you think and if you spot any mistakes.

The past week had passed very slowly for Stefani with every second feeling as if it was dragging on. Her and Natali had spent the week packing the things that she absolutely wanted to take with her, the rest would be left for her team and movers to take care of. They had been looking at houses online and she had found a few to look at within an hour of New York City. She wanted to be close to her family, they were her world and she knew she needed their help.

Natali had also helped her dye her hair to a dark brown that had a burgundy tint to it, a color she had never done before. They'd decided to charter a small private plane in order to fly to New York because Stefani wanted as little attention as possible. She was sure it wouldn't take long for the world to question where she was, but what small amount of time she could buy would be worth it.

She was currently Sat in Natali's rental car ready to leave her house in California for the last time. She had so many memories tied to this house and could feel her eyes welling up for what had to be the hundredth time this week.. Thanks hormones.. But as they were driving away and she turned to look back at the house one last time she knew she was making the right decision for her right now. She could not stay in this place where she would be hounded by paparazzi, by public opinion, by rumors and false stories nonstop, and she couldn't be surrounded by memories of him or be so close to him when he did not want her anymore. She had already had to face countless paparazzi pictures and articles of Bradley and Irina, together, smiling, holding hands. Showing the world that they were more in love than ever and had no plans of separating.
So she was leaving, a part of her felt like she was running away, but she knew that she needed to be strong; for herself, and for the baby. This baby was going to be her whole world now and she was going to make sure she gave her as beautiful of a life as possible.


Hours later Stefani and Natali's plane landed in a small, private, airport outside of New York. The people involved in this move were either trusted immensely, or paid well to make sure they kept their mouths closed. Of course, she was not going around blasting the fact that she was Lady Gaga, or even Stefani Germanotta; she had decided to go by Stefani Bisset, using her mother's maiden name in hopes of maintaining a bit of privacy.

Speaking of her mother, Stefani could not wait to see her. They were going to stop at a doctor in New York she knew would keep her secret and confirm her pregnancy before continuing on to her parents. She was a bit worried about the doctors appointment because she knew she could have some challenges being pregnant with her fibromyalgia and other health issues; but she was determined to push forward and continue on for her and for the baby. They were going to be a family.

After tipping the baggage handlers extra for the amount of luggage they had to maneuver from the plane to the car they rented Stefani climbed into the passenger seat. Natali was a better driver than she was, especially in the New York traffic with this big suburban. Closing her eyes to relax she felt herself dozing off as they reached the highway, slipping into dreams.


Stefani cuddled into the warm body next to her, breathing in the scent that surrounded her; it smelled like home. She never would have dreamed she'd be able to do this, to spend the night in his arms. It was everything she'd wanted for months. He made her feel so at home, so comfortable, so.... loved.

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