"Gravitate"- Part-2

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Basically I have to assist Ms. Lee on costume designing so that if the intern becomes pro, then she might keep her as contractual!

It is the first day and Lisa is telling me about the job description and all that. I not only have to assist in designing costume but also have to work as an assistant on specific regard! And when I asked Lisa what is that, she surprised me saying that sometimes I may have to work with the band manager on some point! And that means, I will have that privilege to watch the idols from close if it's necessary on work regard! Ow my gosh!! That'll be a dream come true thing for sure.

Time is on rush for few days since many bands are up for their performances through out next few months! And to design costumes for them, I have to meet them in person to get to know them. Because their outfits have to have the reflection of their image. And that's going to be a real challenge for me! All we know that Stars are cranky most of the time since they're always on work pressure and some may have bad temperament! But that's ok , whatever it is, I'll give my 110 percent to achieve that contractual offer! Or else I've to be jobless again. And that's really hard for me to carry now. I badly need a job for sure!

Lisa took me to a room where there were materials and basically it's a design studio. Workers are there to help but the brain has to be mine. Loads of works are awaiting!

I went to a practice room that I could hear the music was on and people were practicing. Lisa knocked at the door and a guy wearing a hoodie opened the door! He's actually tall, a really tall guy!
I got a shock but Lisa told me beforehand to gasp all the surprises and to be professional, not to drool over idols! That's really gross of her!
Definitely I'm not going to drool!! But I know for sure my jaw is dropped for a moment since it's Park Chanyeol who opened the door! And that baby faced giant man is holding onto the door knob!
So basically it's EXO who's been practicing here!

OK, cool. I muttered to myself saying "Be cool Bi, be cool!" Oh yes, I've been called Bi(pronounced as Bee, ugh!) by my friends! Though I hardly get time to listen to music but EXO is actually my favorite and I love the way they perform, especially Kai! Wow, he is a great dancer! I felt blessed and privileged at the same time that I've got a chance to work with these humble guys and felt at ease a bit.

Lisa introduced me to him, "Hi Chanyeol, this is Fabia and she's going to work on your costumes from now on as my replacement since I'm leaving. Sorry to bother you guys as I can see you're on practice but please cooperate for some minutes."
"Ow come on Lisa, don't be so formal, but really sad to know that you're leaving. Oh hi there!",he finished it looking at me.

"Hello Mr. Park!", I replied him with a smile.

Ms. Lee called Lisa over phone so she left me there requesting Chanyeol to take care for some moments.

"Please come in and I'm fine with only Chanyeol ", he put a smile and held the door open for me.

The room is big enough to practice and for refreshment. Crystal clear mirrors are reflecting the whole room. Like other usual practice rooms. I hardly could look at them as I'm taking time to gasp onto my overwhelming joy!

"So, your name is, ummm.. Sorry, can you please say it again? I'm really very clumsy! ", Chanyeol smiles at me being a bit embarrassed.

" Oh yeah sure, I'm Fabia! "

" Okay, guys, here this is Fabia who's replacing Lisa and let's get introduced to her. " Chanyeol tries to get the attention of the boys.

Baekhyun, Xiumin, Chen, Sehun, DO are relaxing on floor and they wave their hands to me mentioning their names. I came to know that Suho is out of the city. A guy, covering his head with a black cap was busy on phone sitting on floor leaning his back on mirror is none other than Kai!
Chanyeol calls out his name to have his attention, "Jongin, are you busy? Here's Fabia, the new intern designer!"

Just looking at his phone Jongin aka Kai waves his hand to the direction where Chanyeol and I are standing. As if he totally ignored me and I felt so embarrassed in front of a bunch of guys!

Chanyeol tries to make the situation less awkward," So Fabia, don't be so formal please, neither we are at here. Do you mind if I ask you for any shorter name since we all call each other on short nicknames?"

I smiled back at him saying, "Yeah sure. My friends call me Bi. You can also please."

"Wow! Bi!! Do you sting Ms. Bee?"
Baekhyun tries to joke to lighten up the environment too.
Everyone starts laughing on his joke and I'm not out of that also.
"Haha! No it's not B-e-e, it's B-i", I clustered it for them.
"Wow, that sounds cool Bi!", Chanyeol with is usual big grin.

All of them are so loving and charming, but I am disappointed on Kai! Ok, I tried to console myself saying that he might be really upset for some reason to even interact with someone.

All the guys are very generous. I had a little chit-chat with all of them . Since they were on practice so I told them that I'll join them later.

As I'm heading for the exit, Jongin speaks out!
"Excuse me Ms. Intern! Can you please take away the trash for me?"
He pointed to an empty crumbled juice can.

I'm just shocked at his misbehavior!
Even everyone is looking at him being surprised!

Chanyeol politely asked him, "Jong, she's Bi, I mean Fabia. And what's happening? Are you alright man?"

I'm just holding onto me, as I felt so insulted the way he talked to me! As if I'm about to let the tears come out! I was struggling.

As it's my first day here, so I didn't want to argue but I just said," Ok, I'm doing it but you could at least address me properly."

"Do you know how to apology properly while bumping into someone?", he asked me looking into my eyes and that is the first time he interacted with me and it wasn't any good either!

Oh crap! So he's the one whom I bumped into in the morning!
I apologized again," I said sorry back then while on rush, but I would like to apology again. I'm sorry!"

"Anyway, I'm done with you! Excuse me please!", and he became busy on his phone again!

There was a very awkward pin drop silence in the room. As I'm taking the trash away Chanyeol tried to get the trash from me but I pursed my lips and hardly put a smile," That's ok. Carry on please! "

I left the room. While closing the door behind me, all I could hear Chanyeol saying, "Jong, what's wrong with you man! How could you do this to her?"

Since I'm very emotional, it's getting hard for me to hold onto. At the same time I am angry, insulted and hurt. And that made me to cry, but I am trying hard not to, as I'm biting up my lips!


To be continued...

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