I woke up and looked at the clock next to my bed..
OMG I'm late.!
I put on my clothes and ran out the door with toast in my mouth, I ran into the school perimeter and into my class (9:00)
(Mido) "you clearly don't care about your education.."
I sat alone.. Budo still surrounded by girls, he didn't notice me; I guess he didn't know I was here today. Understandable.. I wasn't here till later...
Lunch passed, budo still haven't noticed me. He looked at me and then he ran over.
(Budo) "oh! Yandere-Kun! I didn't know you were here today, where were you? I feel bad for leaving you alone.."
(Me) "I'm fine... What was Musume doing at my house by the way?"
He just chuckled and looked at me.
After school he walked to my house with me.
(Me) "bye Budo"
(Budo) "bye?"
He walked past me into my house.
(Me) "ugh.. I know what you want, and I don't want that tonight.."
(Budo) "aw come on."
(Me) "I will literally kill you.."
He shrugged and ran over to my room, I followed him (to get him out of my house) and he was laying on the bed
(Budo) "c'mon.. please.?"
I grunted
(Me) "get OUT"
He just smiled like he was about to laugh but didn't
(Budo) "Musume-chan fucked you last night you know"
He was still smiling. He thought it was funny. I grunted loudly as I walked into the bathroom
(Me) "shut UUUUP"
I could hear him laughing from the other room
(Budo) "come to bed. It's time to sleep"
<Budo's pov>
(Me) "come to bed. It's time to sleep"
I didn't plan on sleeping any time soon, I just wanted to trick Yan Kun into coming in the room. He walked in
(Yan-kun) "fine, but only because I wanna sleep.."
He walked over to the bed and laid next to me facing away. He started to close his eyes so I waited about an hour for him to go to sleep. I whispered his name, and like I thought he didn't answer. I smiled once I knew he was asleep, I didn't intend for him to actually sleep though. I closed my eyes waiting to go to sleep when I felt him wrap his arms around me.
(Me) "whoa- I didn't know you were thinking that."
He was still asleep, crap. He shoved his face against my chest and said "no, I don't think we can do this tonight. No wait.. please" I'm dumfounded now but I kinda chuckled he wrapped his body around mine, I didn't know how strong he was even asleep. He kissed my chest?! I didn't know he was like this and I wonder what he's dreaming about... I ran my fingers through his soft black hair. He said something under his breath "daddy". I actually felt like I was gonna scream that was so fucking funny and cringe. I covered my mouth trying not to wake him up if I laugh. He looked so cute sleeping and I felt like I shouldn't mess with him anymore.

Yandere Kun x Budo Fan-fic
RomanceA story that doesn't contain lemon hopefully... A Budo x Yandere-Kun fan-fic so almost pure.. I can tell my dirty minded friends 😊🖤