Chapter 2: Welcome to Metalopolis

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K.O looked his mom and said, “Mom, I made my decision on who I want to bring with me to Metalopolis.” “Really, who is it?” Carol asked in excitement. K.O took a deep breath and said, “I pick Dendy to come with me.” Carol and Dendy were both surprised from K.O's decision and Carol said, “I had a feeling you would pick your best friend.” “Dendy is the best choice for me, besides, Rad and Enid already have their own jobs, so Dendy is the best choice I have.” K.O said. Dendy blushed, knowing that she's going to Metalopolis with her childhood friend, who too has developed a crush on her childhood friend, and knew it would be the opportunity to tell K.O her true feelings when the time is right. K.O handed Dendy the extra ticket and she accepted it and said, “Thank you K.O, I'm glad I got to come with you.” “You're welcome Dendy, I wanted you to come anyway.” K.O said to his friend. Caroo pulled up to Dendy's house and the kappa exited the car. “Happy birthday K.O, and good night, I'm looking forward for tomorrow.” Dendy said as she looks at her friend. “Good night Dendy, see you tomorrow.” K.O said back, as Dendy walks into her house. “I guess you chose her because she's your girlfriend.” Carol said in a teasing tone. “Mom, she's my best friend, and I chose her because she is used to being around me and with in these adventures we had growing up.” K.O said with a blush. Carol laughed at her son's reaction and drove home. At K.O's house, K.O was in his room with boxes of his stuff he's taking with him to Metalopolis, including the stuff everyone got him for his birthday, a mp3 player from Rad, a music CD collection from Enid, a warm and comfy boxing shirt from Punching Judy, a photo album of 301X from Red Action, a picture frame from ARMS and Brandon, and a family photo album from Mr. Gar and Carol. “Man, guess I can't wait to go to Metalopolis, it might not as bad as I think it would be.” K.O said, as he puts on his pajamas. It has been years since K.O started his hero in training train business, he was a 6-11 year old kid who dreamed of becoming a great hero, and he saw that his journey would start by working at working at Gar's Bodega hero and supplies, he fought many enemies who came into the plaza such as the robots from Boxmore, he met a mysterious man named Shadowy figure who taught him a strange power that created an darker and edgier entity that lives inside of him named Turner K.O or T.K.O for short, he then fought a baby robot from Boxmore named Boxman Jr and defeated him with T.K.O's powers and made friends with him. On summer break, his mother and Mr. Gar started dating and K.O started to accept the relationship his mom and boss were having, and when he was 13, they got married and K.O had a stepfather for him to live with, and his mother got pregnant with Mr. Gar’s daughter and nine months later, she gave birth to her and named her Laura, and K.O became a big half brother. Now at the age of 15, K.O is about to start a new part of life going to Metalopolis with his childhood kappa friend, Dendy, who he has developed a crush on since he was 13, but he didn't know she too had developed a crush on him too. Now K.O got to bed and sleep to get ready for his day tomorrow. In the morning, K.O was in Carol's car with his boxes on his way to the train station. “I'm going to miss you, Mom.” K.O said. Carol laughed and said, “Honey, me, Gene, Rad and Enid are going to come in a month, it's not goodbye.” “I know, but it's just not going to be the same without you, I never been away from you before like this, I don't know if I can handle it.” K.O said. Carol understood what her son meant and said, “I know how you feel about being away from us, Peanut, but at least give it a chance, and I know Dendy will take good care of you.” K.O smiled in the thought of Dendy being with him by his side, and how he would think of a speech that he would give her to discuss his true feelings for her. The duo arrived at the train station, where everyone was waiting for them. K.O and Carol exited the car and got the boxes to a spot where K.O have to wait for his train. K.O placed the last box down and saw Dendy was in front of him and he said, “Hey Dendy.” “Hello K.O?” Dendy greeted back, as K.O noticed the way she was dressed. Dendy had a pink short sleeved shirt on and the upper half of her yellow jumpsuit was tied around her waist. ‘Wow, that's a pretty good way to wear to wear her trademark jumpsuit with some different clothes.’ K.O thought to himself. “So, you packed everything?” Dendy asked. “Yeah, you?” K.O said. “Yes, and they are in a new invention I made last night.” Dendy said, leaving K.O confused. “What and where is it?” K.O asked. Dendy pulled out a box from her hackpack and placed it on the ground and pushed a button on the top of it, causing it to grow into a 7x9 box. “Whoa.” K.O said in amazement. “This is a box I invented. With it, you can pushed your boxes in here and it will shrink, along with everything in it, and you can carry it without any hassle or long trips back and forth.” Dendy said with a smile. K.O then placed his boxes inside of the box Dendy made, and after he was done, Dendy pushed a button on the side of the box and it shrieked back down to its previous size. “Wow, a new way for traveling, a great idea, Dendy.” K.O said in amazement, with Dendy smiling. “Well, I guess we should get going.” K.O suggested, as he and Dendy went to enter the station. “Well everyone, we'll see you in a month.” Dendy said to the others. “Take good care of K.O, Dendy.” Rad said. “But if you hurt him or make him cry, we'll hurt you more badly then you hurt him.” Enid warned, only to receive a glare from Carol and Dendy’s parents and Carol said, “Me and your boss are in charge of what happens my son, you two can be protective of him, but do not threaten his friends. And if you even hurt one hair on my future daughter in law, there will be consequences.” “Mom, me and Dendy are not dating.” K.O shouted, while him and Dendy are blushing. Enid trample in fear from Carol's warning and said, “O-O-Okay, sorry Ms. K.O's mom.” Rad and Enid turned to the teens and Enid said, “Sorry about that Dendy.” “It's okay Enid, I'm looking forward to seeing you in a month.” Dendy said, accepting Enid's apology. “Anyway, take good care of our little girl, K.O” Pavel said. “I will.” K.O said. “Just don't get hurt out there son, there are villains in Metalopolis.” Mr. Gar said, who is holding Laura in his arms. “And that will help me with my hero skills.” K.O said. “K..O.” Laura said as she tried to raise for her older brother. K.O smiled from hearing his little sister’s first word and said, “Still love me since you first said it huh, I'll be seeing you in a month, Laura.” K.O said to his sister. “Your train will arrive in 10 minutes, so you two better get to the station in time.” Carol said. “Okay, bye everyone.” K.O said, as he and Dendy went into the station, unaware they were being watched from the shadows of a certain female villain. In the station, K.O and Dendy sat next to each other, waiting for their train to arrive. “So, you know who this friend of your mother is?” Dendy asked. “No, but she said that he will be watching us for out time in Metalopolis.” K.O answered. The voice on the intercom came on and said, “Attention all passengers, the train to Metalopolis is arriving in 5 minutes, so if there is any souvenirs you want to bring, please do so now until your train arrives, and please stay of the yellow lines when the train arrives.” K.O and Dendy then decide to go buy some stuff before they can go, and they went to some separate stores for their shopping. K.O and Dendy came back to their spot with bags of items they bought. “What did you get K.O?” Dendy asked with a smile. “I got some comics, termices, pictures of Lakewood, and a camera so we could take pictures and put them on real photos, what did you get, Dendy?” K.O said. “Well, I got some snacks and drinks for the trip.” Dendy said, as she showed K.O her bag which had candy, crackers, cookies, sodas, and juices for her and K.O to have for the trip. “Attention all passengers, the train to Metalopolis has arrived.” The intercom said, as a train pulled up into the station, and the doors open letting the previous passengers out and the next passengers into the train, along with K.O and Dendy. The duo sat at a table as their set where they'll be staying at until they get to their destination, and the had some of the snacks. “So, you know why the city is called Metalopolis?” K.O asked Dendy. “Well, in 1971, the first major, Louis Alexander, had metal attractions in his family's garden and let the citizens in for the amazement, and the other reason is Alexander was a huge fan of heavy metal music and he mix those ideas together a made the name and city itself into a symbol of metal, with the cityscape made of metal, the sounds, and the environment.” Dendy said, as she was on her hologram screen. The train passed a huge river, and the teens looked out the window and saw the view was beautiful. “Wow, I never knew this view would be so beautiful.” Dendy said with her eyes watery. “Yeah, they placed the tracks to a really nice view of the lake.” K.O admitted, as he blushed. After an hour of train travel, the train arrived at a station, and the intercom then said, “Attention all passengers, we have arrived at Metalopolis, please take all your personal items and beings as you leave the train. Goodbye, and enjoy your stay.” Everyone including K.O and Dendy got all their belongings and exited the train into the station. “Alright Dendy, ready to start our new lives in Metalopolis?” K.O asked. “Yes.” Dendy said, as she and K.O exited the station and saw the city. The city was very colorful with light and dark colors, there were many shops with music symbols on them, local businesses, and everything you see in a city. “We're actually in Metalopolis.” K.O said in excitement. Dendy smiled at her friends excitement and she and K.O walked into the city and started to search for the friend K.O's mom was talking about, unaware that they were being watched from the shadows again. “So, K.O thinks he can go with that kappa girl and forget about me, huh? I don't think so. And I swear, I will get him to be my boyfriend, I will.” The owner of the shadow said, as she walks away.

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