Ch.1 Yuya did you know?

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Yuya's POV

"Hey, Yuya!" I turned around to see my friend:  Yuzu Hiiragi. "Huh? What is it, Yuzu?" She stopped right in front of me panting a little bit from running. "Yuya, did you know?" She asked me but I was confused? What was she talking about? "Uh? Did I know about what?" She looked shocked and then grabbed my arm. "Hey! Let me go!" I said trying to get out of Yuzu's hold but it did not work. "I can't believe you don't know, Yuya." I was still trying to get out of her hold but nothing was working. "What do you mean: 'I can't believe you don't know'? What do you mean by that Yuzu?" She took me in a room filled with computers and she also let me go. 

"I can't believe you don't know about them?" Why can't she just get to the point already? "I still don't know what you mean?" She looked at me blankly. "I can't believe you don't know about the family who was, the most famous from everything... even duel monsters." I was shocked. Even though I have not heard of this family, I did not know there was a family who was famous for everything and duel monsters. "What were they called?" I asked getting interested in this family. "The Mutou family and one person from the Sennen family." Yuzu turned around to the computer, sat down in the chair, and started to type on the computer.

She typed in: The Mutou family. And in which there were websites about them, video's about them, and pictures. Yuzu went onto images and there were pictures of a happy family. Some had just a boy that was short, with big amethyst eyes, star-shaped hair. His bangs going down his face and the color was blond. The middle of his hair was black and the tips were purple. Next was a person who looked like that person. But he was taller, and some of his bangs were up. Like three of them, the tips of his hair was red and his sharp eyes were crimson. A girl with long brown hair and one pink highlight strand that goes to her, and amethyst eyes too. 

And a girl that had long brown hair with red, purple, light purple, white, black, light blue, dark blue, bluish-black, dark green, light green, and blond highlight strands. With also amethyst eyes. "What are their names?" I asked. "The one that is short is named Yugi Mutou. The one that is taller then he is, is Yami Sennen. The one with one pink highlight strand is Alakananda Mutou, but they call her Alakan Mutou for short. Now for the one with a lot of colors in her hair, that is Aiko Mutou." Okay got it. "Okay, from what I can see from here. Aiko is the oldest, Yugi the second, and Alakan the baby of the family... right?" I asked she looked shocked. "How did you know?" It's because I'm smart ○~○. "You just guess didn't you, Yuya?" She found me out! "You caught me!"

"Well, you can a little bit tell. Anyway, let's watch one of their video's." I nodded and she pushed on a video.

"Well~ hello~ there my family. Aiko Mutou here~ How's your day been going? Anyway, we were about to go to our race, but it got canceled! So, Yugi wanted to go get something? I don't know what though? He wanted it to be a surprise! And Yami went with him!? I know I'm making it sound like a big deal but... if you know Yugi better as I do then you should know that he never takes Yami. Not unless these things are very... VERY! Important." Aiko said and sat down on a bed, but then all of a sudden she was in a kitchen. And she put her finger up to her lips saying to not make a sound. She turned the camera around to see a boy with blond hair and a bunny in hand, eating cake. And she walked up to him without making a sound making, sure, she was not noticed. Now when she was behind him, she blows some air onto his neck.

He jumped a little and turned around but it looked she turned invisible so he could not see her. He looked around confused but then continued eating his cake. That looked like he enjoyed very much. "~I guess it was nothing to worry about?~" He said but then Aiko did it again. Blow some air onto his neck. "~OKAY!? WHO'S DOING THAT!?~" He shouted into the empty kitchen, well, that is what he thinks. When he turned around, Aiko took his cake and then she ate it. And then he turned around once again, but only to find out that his cake was missing. "~Usa-chan!? DID YOU EAT MY CAKE!?~" You can hear that Aiko was laughing like crazy. But trying to hold it in as long as she can. "~Or maybe? It's not you, Usa-chan? But maybe it's a... GHOST!?~" 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2019 ⏰

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