Knowing you better

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"Love is a tricky business. But if it wasn't, I wouldn't be so enthralled with it."

To tell you honestly, I'm a victim of conceited, pure love. I always end up losing, one way or another. That sometimes I think that maybe someday I'd be alone or have no one to share life with. I'm 24, I should be dating, maybe have a man that loves me but here I am, alone and, well, lonely. Meredith has been the best room mate. And mom, she's been my guiding light ever since. Austin, he's making me proud and dad keeps doing what he's good at. My friends, they're the most awesome people I know. And my fans has been my most favorite thing in the world and I wouldn't change it for the world. But hey, a girl needs a man right?

In Australia...

"Taylor, come over here honey." Mom said. She probably saw something she know I would like.

"What?" I said as I came near her. She's watching TV, tuned into MTV. Focused in this music video and I think I saw Rupert Grint.

"Watch this. It's really nice. Don't you think, Caitlin?"

"Yeah. It's awesome Tay. Singer's name is Ed Sheeran, from 'Luhn-duhn'" said Caitlin.

Since Rupert was in the video and they said it's nice, I sat down to watch. It dawned suddenly into me that it really is nice. I grabbed my phone and checked iTunes for the song. Ed Sheeran. Lego House. Hmmm... I focused on the screen again and noticed the idea behind the song and the video. The song move you in every direction emotionally. I fell in love with him-- I mean, with the song. Mom must've noticed me.


"Huh? What? Sorry, mom. You were saying?"

"Are you okay? I said it's time for your interview. Get ready."

"Oh. Okay, okay." I lost my train of thought. I'm still looking on the screen. I want to know him better


"Ed, you're going to Arizona on Wednesday." Stuart reminded me. The success of Lego House gave me the chance to go and tour up and around US

"Coming with me?"

"Nope. Staying here in UK for your new album. You have fun there. Limit the beer and vodka and similar things." I nudged him and said thanks. Stuart's a very awesome manager, no doubt about that. Good thing he's MY manager. He called me back after an hour through phone since he already left.

"Hey Ed? Someone wants to talk to you."

"Yeah? Who?"

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