1.Seungjin: The smiling boy

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characters: hyunjin/seungmin
genre: creepy/horror


Finding a shelter as soon as possible was the only thing on Hwang Hyunjin's mind as he rushed down the narrow streets. The day was bright and sunny when hyunjin left his house to go to the dance studio, but the weather quickly took a turn. As soon as Hyunjin began his walk home after a late night of practicing, it began pouring. The dark night combined with the sound of the pouring rain and the distant rumble of thunder was pretty scary. Especially when you're alone in a shady street.

Hyunjin covered his head and looked around for any sort of shelter. A few feet to his right, he saw an old park, the silhouette of a huge tree partly covering it from his view. Thanking the gods, Hyunjin headed over to the tree.

Thump. thump. thump.

As he neared the tree, he heard a faint noise coming from behind it. The noise got louder as Hyunjin approached the tree.

Thump. thump. thump.

He came to the tree and stopped there,listening to the weird noise wondering what it could be. 

Thump. thump. thump.

The boy was quite afraid to look behind the tree and see what was making that awful noise.

'What could possibly go wrong? Be brave Hyunjin,' he thought as he took a deep breath and braced himself to peek out from behind the tree.

Just then, Hyunjin noticed that the sound had come to a stop. Before he could see what caused the noise to be stopped so abruptly, he was startled by a hand grabbing his shoulders.

Hyunjin yelped at the sudden contact and swung around to see who grabbed him. He was met with a boy who seemed to be around his age.

"What are you doing here?" the boy asked coldly. Hyunjin could barely hear him over the deafening sound of the rain.

"I-I was just taking shelter from the rain," he stuttered feeling very intimidated by the other boy's icy glare. "W-what are you doing here?" he countered, hoping the boy would loosen his painfully tight grip on his shoulders.

"There's a small shop two blocks down," the boy said, releasing Hyunjin's shoulders. "If you hurry, you can get there without getting completely drenched."

Hyunjin nodded and stepped away from the boy. Something about him made him feel like he should stay away from him. He heaved a sigh of relief when he saw the boy disappearing into the dark streets. As the boy's footsteps faded away, the only thing Hyunjin could hear was the deafening sound of the rain.

With a start, he remembered the noise he had heard. Before he lost his courage, Hyunjin scurried out into the park.

The place was empty. No sign of life anywhere, except for the blades of grass that covered the ground. The bitter wind hit his face, making his hair fall into his eyes. With a shaky hand Hyunjin brushed the hair away and surveyed the abandoned park.

The blades of grass blew around in the wind. Hyunjin noticed a dark patch a few feet away and moved towards it cautiously.

The first thing he saw when he reached the spot was that the patch was actually a pit which was quite deep. The second thing he noticed made him sick to the stomach. Inside the pit lay the remains of a young boy. His eyes were wide and his mouth stretched open in a silent scream. Cuts and bruises littered the boys body. Hyunjin gagged and staggered backwards.

Suddenly he heard a soft noise behind him and spun around. A pair of cold eyes and a smile greeted him as he came face to face with the boy he saw under the tree.

"I told you to go to that shop didn't I?" The boys words were laced with anger but the smile on his face grew wider as he spoke. "You should have listened to me pretty boy," the boy said moving towards Hyunjin, his hand clenched at his sides.

The confused look on the latter's face soon changed into one of fear as he saw what the other held in his hands.

A knife.

Hyunjin gasped and stumbled back. He turned around and started running towards the street, hoping that he could outrun the boy and reach there quickly, but the other boy was too fast.

In a flash the boy was in front of him, grabbing his collar and pulling him closer. Hyunjin let out a whimper as he felt the cold tip of the knife pierce his flesh. Pain filled his body as the boy took out the knife and stabbed him again.

The last thing he saw before he vision went black was the boy, still smiling widely at him as he crumpled onto the ground.

"Pretty boys should mind their own business." 

a/n: did you guys like it??  please tell me if there are any mistakes in this. i'll try to update regularly... see you next time!!

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