chapter 10

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Y/N: so it's not what it looks like, I'm pretty fucking sure it is.

Tina: look I'm sorry

Y/N: no I'm sorry for leaving this team

I take my weapon to my dorm and pack it up along with the rest of my stuff. After I'm done packing I head to six's office.

Six: ah Y/N what brings you here

Y/N: I quit

Six: you have a contract mister Y/N

Y/N: I don't fucking care about my contract, now I'm leaving.

Six: you leave this base my operators will find you and bring you here

Y/N: get your best team to find me, the tracker in my arm is gone so have fun trying

Six: who would you like to try and find you

Y/N: you can send ace after me, it makes no deference

Six: have fun running but in his words 'you can run but you will only die tired'

Y/N: I see you then

I exit her office and walk back to my dorm to get my stuff. I enter my room and see Tina crying.

Y/N: stop your whining, you did this to your self.

Tina: I still love you

Y/N: apparently not enough to care about me, hell care about us. The second I step out this base six will have ace track me down.

Tina: please stay here

Y/N: where I would go mad and end up cutting myself, no thank you.

I grab my duffle bag and walk to my car. I drive to the airport and get the first flight back to Canada. The plane took off and I laid back in my seat and drifted off to sleep.

When the plane landed I got my sister to pick me up.

Leah: hey big brother, long time no talk

Y/N: yeah well something came up, thanks for picking me up

Leah: what happened

Y/N: nothing that should concern you, it's fine

Leah: ok well let's get home, mom's cooking meatloaf.

Y/N: hell yeah

Leah is twenty three but still lives with mom and dad. Mom always needs help with something and pops is old so he can't help alot. After a long drive we pull up to my parents house. I was greeted with my mom at the door.

Jessica: welcome back sweetie. Foods on the table

I walk into the house and sit down at the table

James: good to see you again sport, how's the job going

Y/N: I quit it but I'll be fine

Leah: why did you quit

Y/N: it's personal. I got tired of pulling the trigger. I know there bad but there still people.

Jessica: we understand, how's life going other than that

Y/N: I'm not going to lie pretty bad. I've hit rock bottom

James: well sport you still have us

Leah: yeah I wouldn't want my brother to be sad

Y/N: I'm fine, don't worry about me

We all eat our dinner. While every one went to bed I stayed awake. After a few hours there was a knock on the door. I open it to see ace

Mask: what's the point of this

Y/N: Tina fucked up fucked up, what can I say

Mask: how bad was this fuck up

Y/N: cheated on me with maxim, I had to leave or let my anger get the best of me.

Mask: I understand but six wants you back at base. That or your head.

Y/N: ace tell six I don't care about her contract

Mask: don't make this harder that this has to be

Y/N: give me tonight here and tomorrow come back, I want to spend time alone.

Mask: that wouldn't hurt, but tomorrow six wants us back

Y/N: ok well bye

Mask: bye

I shut the door and wake up my family

Leah: what is this about

Y/N: this us good bye

James: what do you mean

Y/N: since I have a contract I have to go back to base

Jessica: why can't they just leave you alone

Y/N: I have a contract so I have to go back

Leah: please don't get killed

Y/N: I won't

I leave the building and rent an apartment so I can have some alone time. I sit in the rented room cleaning my python. I always listen to music to calm me down. I sit the gun down and play on my phone some. I get a call from Tina.

Y/N: what do you want

Tina: look I'm sorry, please come back to me

Y/N: why should I, you have made me think back and I would rather stay here away from you.

Tina: look I fucked up and I'm sorry. I wish I was able to fix my mistake

Y/N: go back to maxim, you seem to love him more than me

Tina: I still love you tho

Y/N: I don't love you

I hang up my phone and sit thinks if I should or not

Ace's POV

It was the next day so I went to the apartment Y/N is staying in. I enter his room and instantly regret it. I see his lifeless body just sitting there. I call six

Six: is he with you

Mask: he's dead, the poor guy shot himself

Six: damn it, ok jäger is on the way to take you home

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