chapter 4

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"NO SNOGGING IN THE HALLS PLEASE!" Professor Mcgonagall yelled. Hermione and (y/n)'s relationship had gotten heated in the past few days. With chrismas approaching fast, they tried to decide what they were gonna do. "My mum and dad dont know my sexuality... but im sure they wont be mad... plus, i am supposed to go to their place this year..." hermione said. "Im probably gonna stay here... my parents prolly don't want me to come home..." (y/n) sighed. "Come with me, love. You can meet my parents... plus, draco, harry,  and ron wont be here... and i dont want you to be alone on chrismas..." hermione smiled, kissing (y/n).

Chrismas break approached faster than imagined. It was soon the day in which (y/n) would meet the grangers. She was nervous the whole night and hardly slept. She had gotten up early in the morning to make sure she had everything.

The hogwarts express arribed about an hour after she arruved at hogsmead. She borded the train and sat in a department.  Sitting with hermione,  they snuggled and intertwined hands.

It was 11 pm when they arrived at the station. (Y/n) carried Hermione to the car she had described to her. He parents looked utterly shocked at the stranger carrying her daughter. "Who are you?" Hermiones mother asked. "I'm her... Friend.... I thought she told you i'd be staying. (Y/n) responded shyly. "Oh.. We thought you were a... Never mind.... Uh, get in.." Her father said, gesturing to the car.

Sorry for the late update. I gotta New phone but my internet was being an ass and it wouldn't work... Also sorry it's short I couldn't think

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2019 ⏰

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