Chapter 5

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The next morning when I woke up, Mia was not next to me. My heart began racing, my eyes skimmed through the room. Had she ran away? I got off the bed and heard the sound of water running. "..Mia," I said under my breath. I walked towards the bathroom door and knocked it open. There she was, my beautiful angel. She was brushing her teeth, - using my toothbrush. I stared at her reflection in the mirror for quite some time, doing nothing but smiling. She looked in the mirror and finally noticed me, my face went back to normal.
"Oh I'm sorry I should've asked," she said turning around lightning fast.
Mia was now facing me, looking directly into my eyes.
- And I want her so badly.
I could feel my boner as it erected through my boxers.
I didn't bother covering it either.
"Oh no don't worry, you're fine," I replied as I began to approach her.
I put my hands on her waist and lifted her chin up.
I gave her a kiss, - tongue and all, I couldn't resist not tasting her.
It was a great start to my morning.
She kissed me back, and her kisses feel like heaven.
I pulled away before it could get too intense.
"Come downstairs to eat breakfast," I told her and walked out of the bathroom.

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