Scene 1

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Open on a city street
(Opens with main walking down the road, it’s raining, he has the pink slip in hand.)
(Cars drives by and splashes him.)
(A woman is seen in a window with another man.)

Oh, Jane. I thought you loved me. (Main shuffles on)

(Main gets shoved over by other people)
(An bird shits on his head)
(Main reaches the end of the street)

Main: (Singing)
Oh look at the sky,
Why does it hide behind the grey?
Look at the sky,
Always thunderous and threatening rain.
Maybe just a peek to see the blue,
That's all I wish,
And my dream would come,
Always thundering and threatening rain.
I watch
And hope for a the world to sway.
Just for a day,
Just to keep me sane.
It that too much to ask.
For one good day.

(Enter Dealer)
You know, I couldn’t help but overhear your horrid pity song. (chill and cool) I think I have just the thing for you.

Main: (skeptical)
What kind of thing?

Dealer: (pulling out a pill)
One of these, I think it will be exactly what you need.

What are you asking for it?

Nothing, this time. Think of it like a free sample.
(Pill is given to Main, the Dealer then leaves)

Main: (In song)
Maybe, it’s my time
For one good day.

(Main takes pill and trips out.)

(Looking around in wonder)
Look at the sky
It’s gleaming!
Look at the buildings,
They’re shining!
Look at all of these people dancing along!

(Clumsy, off beat dancing, it looks bad.)

Suddenly the world in bright!
Suddenly everything feel so good!
Nothing could go wrong
Nothing could be bad

(Main grabs a random person on the street and kisses them,)


(The woman slaps him, but he views it as a playful smack)

A beautiful day!
OOOOOh, how the sun is glowing!
OOOOOh, how the sky is blue!
OOOOOh, It’s my dream come true!

(Main moves across the street missing being hit by a car and is splashed.)
(Laughs as he dances in the “rain”)

A beautiful day!
Just look at this rain!
OOOOOh, how the sun is glowing!
OOOOOh, how the sky is blue!
OOOOOh, It’s my dream

Main: (Dances off stage to the right)

(Enter left, Jane and George)

Jane: (Searching for Main):
Excuse me, have you seen a very sad looking man?

George: (Checking trash piles):
Where could he have gone?

I don’t know. He was supposed to be home now.

Should we check the police?

No, he would never do anything to end up there.

Then what should we do? Everyone is waiting to surprise him.

Jane: (Speaks to the woman kissed before)
Oh! Oh dear.

What is it?
Jane: He was here! He was dancing and singing?

That doesn't sound right. He’s always miserable.

I know, but what if it is and there’s something wrong?

Then lead the way.

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