Chapter 1

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Vanessa's POV - September 9, 1995
WWF Superstars
"Where the hell is this guy at." I thought as I am waiting at gorilla. We only have two minutes and we are supposed to go out there. Pat Patterson is also at gorilla.

"Nessa, where the hell is Douglas at?" He asked me.

"Pat I have no clue." I soon as I said that, Troy finally makes to it gorilla.

"Hey sorry about that. Are you ready to go out there sweetie?" Troy asked me.

"How many damn times to I have to tell you, I don't like pet names. My name is Vanessa you asshat." I tell him with annoyance in my voice. God this guy is a dick.

Our music starts playing and we walk out and are welcomed to a chorus of boo's from the crowd. Well that means that we are doing our job well. Troy or "Dean" gets into the ring and hands me his "Board of Education" paddle and a notebook as I'm supposed to be "taking notes" on his opponent.

Now you are probably wondering why the hell am I valeting for Dean Douglas. Well it's a long story but I'll tell it.
7 months earlier...

It was a match on Raw. Me against Bull Nakano, who was one hell of a stiff worker. We are about half way through the match when she hits me with a suplex. It was this suplex that caused my injury. I don't know what exactly happened but I ended up hitting my head on the mat. With that I was put on the shelf with a concussion.

Well Vince sent me home to recover and once I was medically cleared, Vince didn't have anything for me. The big angle in the women's division was Alundra Blayze vs Bertha Faye. So I was stuck a home sitting around.

Then in June Vince called me with a offer. It was a offer to be back on TV but not be a in ring competitor. It was to be a valet for the returning Troy Martin aka Dean Douglas. I vividly remember telling Vince once I became a full time wrestler, I never wanted to go back to being a valet. Vince only came to me with this offer because he knew I was tried of siting at home and this was a opportunity to be back on TV. I couldn't say no so I took the offer and now here I am.

Anyway the match tonight is Dean against the 1-2-3 Kid. The plan finish is for Razor Ramon to come out and attack Dean, thus giving him the win by disqualification. The match goes on for about 5-6 minutes then, to a loud pop, Razor comes out there. Razor climbs onto the ring apron and Dean hits him with a punch knocking him off the apron. Razor then gets back on the apron, Dean goes to punch him again and the kid rolls Dean up only to get a 2 count. Once the pin is broken, Dean hits kid with a clothesline and Razor then enters the ring and hits Dean with a punch thus making him the winner of the match by DQ. Dean then rolls out the the ring and lands right next to me as Razor exits the ring in pursuit of him. Dean then decides to make me his human shield and throws me into Razor as he runs away.

Razor catches me and moves me out of the way so he can chase Dean into the back. I am so damn done with this clown. I make my way to gorilla pissed as hell. I am so damn tried of this jackass.

"So sweetie, how was the match? Did I look good out there?" Troy asked me. I looked at him with so much damn anger in my eyes.

"Troy I don't know how many damn times I have to say it. My name is Vanessa. And as for your match, I didn't appreciate being used as a human shield you jackass. Last I checked I'm your valet. I am supposed to be holding your shit and standing there." I said going off on him.

"Listen I only did it to get cheap heat. It's the easiest trick in the book. You should know you are a Hart, you grew up in this business right? I don't understand why your so upset. If anything you should be happy, I'm the one getting us over as heels. You, like you said, just stand there, hold my shit and look pretty." Troy said with a goofy ass smile on his face.

"Fuck you." I said as I slapped him across his stupid face. I turned and walked away from Troy as he was holding his check cursing under his breath. I walk into the woman's locker room with tears of frustration in my eyes. God why is this man being such a dick. It's no wonder he has so much damn heat with most of the guys. All I ask is to treated with respect. When I was valeting for Rick it was so different. It was like him and I were a duo and Rick actually treated me with respect.

I look into a mirror to see that my makeup is a bit smudged and my hair is a bit messy. I get a makeup wipe and wipe away all of my makeup and get my hair brush to brush out my long chocolate brown hair. I then change from this stupid pencil skirt, blouse, and heels into a pair of sweatpants, a loose t-shirt and flip flops. I then look at myself in the mirror and take in my features. My once bright and clear face now looks tired. I have bags under my green eyes and I am starting to get little breakouts on the side of my face. Being this mans valet has stressed me out but I know Troy is not the main reason for this.

With that I gathered my bags and walk out of the locker room to head to the hotel. I was going to stay and watch the rest of the show as my brother Owen had a tag team match tonight but I'm just so damn tired I rather call it a night early.

I start walking towards the exit when I see some familiar big brown eyes looking at me, standing right by the exit. I look up at him in complete shock.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked him

Hi guys. It took me forever but I finally updated this shit. I am still trying to work stuff out with this story but I have a plan. Always thank you for taking the time to read this. Much love ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2020 ⏰

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