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noaherlick @richellenolet Remember that I won this bet because I taught Richelle an ariel!

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richellenolet @noaherlick I remember this but unfortunately you didn't win.

noaherlick @richellenolet yeah I did

richellenolet @noaherlick no you didn't, I actually knew how to do one but I just said that you won because remember when we had lunch well not to be mean but you ate like a pig and I was quite disgusted so I said you won. That was when I finally got over you because I liked you.

noaherlick @richellenolet oh ok 😔

richellenolet @noaherlick but maybe deep down I may still like you who knows. 🤷🏼‍♀️😏

jamestordjman poor you @noaherlick you lost a bet that you thought you had won.

ozzylombardi haha lol but at the same time poor u @noaherlick

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