Double Trouble

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Donnie and Mikey were training until Master Splinter came running into the dojo,'

'Leonardo and Raphael came back with Karai!''

Donnie said,''But I don't have any retro-mutagen."

Leo ''The wise leader'' said. ''The Kraang rebuilt TCRI and their  bringing mutagen to test on animals.''

Raph  said,"Well,let's go to TCRI."

"BOOYAKASHA!!!!!"said Mikey.

"There it is,TCRI,let's go fast before they use the mutagen."

"There's the portal!!!" Screamed Mikey.

"SHUSH" everybody said.

The Kraang heard  and they brought a gun that shoots portals.

"RUUUN!!!!"screamed Donnie.

The Kraang pulled the trigger and the turtles were sucked into a portal.

"Everything looks the same,"Leo said.

They looked around,then two girls came running after the turtles with 2 sais and 2 katanas.

                Well that's my first story. If you like it,I'll write another chapter, I'll try to make it longer

P.S. Please comment.


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