Chapter 20

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   I sat on the couch awkwardly with Eileen as people partied and hollered loudly, bodies uncomfortably crowded together as the music blared and colored lights flashed in the shadows. Why did I agree to this madness.  Why did I agree to come here. This was hell. "DO YOU THINK HE'S DRUNK YET?" Eileen shouted over the music. "I DON'T KNOW, SHOULD WE CHECK?" I yelled back. She shrugged and I went to a stand the proceeded to help her up. Unfortunately, as soon as we stood we were both dragged into the mass of drunken bodies. Somewhere in the throng of bodies Eileen and I got separated, leaving me confused and claustrophobic. Suddenly I felt two hands clumsily grip my hips and someone grind against me. Immediately I struggled and shoved whoever had me off. "C'mon babe, you don' need to be so stubborn." a voice slurred at me, causing me to scrunch my nose in disgust when I smelled the alcohol drenching his breath. "Get lost creep.". "Woah, you're a dude?" he slurred at me in surprise, clumsily releasing me as his drunken mind still processed this new information. Honestly, if popular parties were like this all the time I'm glad I'm a loser. "Yeah, now scram before I release all this manly testosterone I have!". I sulked slightly as he laughed and stumbled off to find some girl, victim would be a better word, to perform his hormone induced mating dance.
  "Sno, like, there you are!". Sweet Jeses Mary Joseph, some universal being is testing me. He, or she I don't judge, is testing my will and strength to see of I am worthy. "Hiiiii....." I trailed off with a short wave. Mai smiled her gigawatt smile, as if I wasn't blind enough, and hooked an arm with mine then led me off somewhere amongst the throng of people dancing to the deafening music. "Where's Andy?" she asked loudly. "He couldn't come 'cause he had to take care of something." I answered back. Immediately her smile dropped to a pretty pout. "Aw, me, Tiffany, and the others were so looking forward to see him here.". "I know, tis a mighty shame.". I nearly laughed when I was given an annoyed looked and placed my hands on my hips. "Look Mai, I know in your horome controlled body you most likely feel like a animal in heat.". "But let me tell you this," I continued at her shocked expression, "Andrew is mine. So please, find someone else to hump you". I barely managed to walk away before I busted out laughing, the people close enough to hear me giving strange looks. 'God, that was priceless!' I thought as moved to a less crowded area of the house.
  "Hey there snowflake.". Before I could even react I felt an arm wrap around my waist and the smell of of alcohol as a chin rested on top of my shoulder. I held back from gagging and frowned at Lucas and moved out of his grasp and stared straight into his dazed eyes, most likely the alcohol already working into his system and crossed my arms. "Lucas." "Why such a mean hello? I thought you loved me snowflake.". "I don't anymore." I huffed. "But," I continued, "I have some questions. About Andrew King.".
  "King? That jackass?" Lucas sneered, taking another swing of beer as he leaned against the counter. "Asshole is too high and mighty. Thinks he's so high and fucking mighty just 'cause he's a King.". "A King?". "Yeah a King. That name has reputation, serious reputation.". I leaned against the counter opposite of him and pondered information. 'Why would Andrew's last name have such a influence?'. "You need to leave him." "Exscuse me?". "You need to leave King," Lucas repeated as he point a finger to me while he still held the bottle in his hand. "Nothing good ever comes from being with a King.". "What do you mean?" I questioned annoyed and hesitant all at once. "Let's just say his family business is, messy.".
  He took another swig and  walked off back into the party, pausing with his back to me. "You're in for some hell Sno, trust me on that.". I frowned and watched him continue on and leaving me behind. "Whatever Andrew is in, it's definitely not going to be good if Lucas is warning me..." I muttered to myself. I just hoped it wouldn't become as dangerous as he implied it would be. Otherwise swirlies and being shoved in a locker won't be my only worries.

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