Chapter 1.

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Title: The Glass Doll

Parings: Peter Pan/Wendy (Peter Pan), Lucrezia/Cesare (The Borgias)

Word count: 635

Summary: What shines like diamonds in the sunlight, or sprinkles like rain when it gets shattered?

Author's note: Good evening love, I hope that you have had a wonderful day with great achievements! I've to say that the idea behind this story isn't 100 % mine. I got it from my sister who had read a fic similar to this as far as I know, because she only told my the main thing about the story: the glass part. Apart from that I haven't read or seen anything similar to this. So, all creds to you, whoever you are, for having such a great idea!

Secondly, well I don't actually have a second thing.. Enjoy the beginning of this story! xx MMA

Two days. That was all it took for my fingers to get adamant. This might sound weird, and it truly is.

 Two days ago I noticed something particular. The tip of my nails had gotten this odd colour, and when my little finger on my left hand spanked into the bathroom door the following night I heard it crack! I looked down at it, and yes, a crack there was inside my fingertip.

Since the morning when the “odd colour” appeared, which I now have learned is glass, hasn’t it stopped. It’s as if it’s growing up my hand, centimetre for centimetre.

About five hours ago, which means about one o’clock, I ran. I ran away from home, from everything dear, but mostly I ran away because of my glass fingers.

Truly enough, it’s a solid type of glass, but when I cracked my fingertip… I can break now. I’m now breakable, fragile.

A tear escaped my eye, and I stopped to catch my breath. By looking around, I would suggest that I was definitely further away from home than I had ever been inside a forest.


I jumped. Nobody was there. I stepped down from the root I’d just jumped up on, but when my foot touched the ground it sounded like I was walking on broken glass! Shocked and scared of having broken my foot I quickly lifted it from the ground. No, it wasn’t my foot that had made that sound, my foot hadn’t even turned into glass yet. The sound had come from the same thing that had made me jump. My tear which was now shattered.

Slowly sitting down I started to cry even more, and for every tear hitting the flat stones there came a “tik, tok” sound. I cried tears of glass!

Deepened into my own sorrow I didn’t care about the sound of leaves rumbling about in the distance. The sound came closer and closer, but I didn’t care if a deer saw me crying. Had it only been a deer.

A creature casted a shadow over me, blocking the morning sun from stinging my eyes. He kneeled down. “Hi, hi. Don’t you cry..” He hushed. He took my hands in between his and rubbed them to get some warmth in them. My hands were almost white, partly because of the glass and partly because of the chilled autumn air. He leaned down and tried to warm them quicker with breading his warm breath onto them, but he never seemed to notice that my fingers never regained their normal colour.

I just kept staring at him. He was absolutely stunningly beautiful it dawned on me. His long, curly hair was like silk in the early morning sun and eyes like the depth of the ocean. They were to drown in.

He looked up on me. “I suppose that you are not going to tell me why you are sitting here alone, but also deeper into the forest then most people would go?” Lightly, but deep and warm was his voice. “I… I…” I began, but what was I supposed I tell him? That I ran away because I had started to turn into glass?! But he interrupted my thoughts and said kindly “it doesn’t matter whether or not if you want to tell me the reason, you can come with me anyway.” He stood up and took a step or two, but stopped and turned. “Are you coming?” He asked with a soft smile and reached out a hand.

“I don’t know who you are, or even what your name is.” I could see his smile in his eyes. A small sight. Lips moving. “For now you can just call me Peter. Peter Pan.” I could feel my cheeks reddening slightly. “Then I’ll be your Wendy.” I said and took his hand without even thinking much about what I'd just said to him.

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